Monday, June 24, 2024

Alix's letter to Queen Victoria, dated October 13, 1892


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 287 to 288, by George Hawkins, 2023

The letter:

Buckingham Palace
October 13th 1892
My beloved Grandmama,
I must just send You a few lines before we leave, to thank You again for all Your kindness, and for letting us spend such a very happy time with You, it was only such a pitty not feeling well, as it prevented me from going out with You more. It is quite a second home to be with You and I can never thank You enough for Your great kindness to us.

I hope and trust that you are feeling quite well and that the weather is at last getting finer, here it has been quite pleasant and fine, only to-day it is rather windy, so I fear the sea will not be very smoothe.

This morning I called on Victoria Grant to enquire after Lady Fanny, but was grieved to hear that she had not had a good night. Victoria I thought was looking pale and tired.

Then I also went to see the German Governesses home, and Fräulein Adelmann took me all over it — she showed us with great pride an engraving You had given of Yourself, after that we went to the National Gallery, but only stayed there quite short, as it would otherwise have been too tiring.

Yesterday, Aunt Mary, Uncle Franz, May and Algey came to tea — they were all looking well and in good spirits. Then Uncle Alfred came to see us, before leaving this morning for Coburg and Siegmaringen.

It was so kind of You allowing us to stop here three days — there has been so much to do, what with seeing tradespeople and so on. Herr Wolff came to dinner last night and afterwards played to us, and really more beautiful than ever. Miss Moore came too — it reminded one so much of the evenings at Balmoral.

I am sending You the only two photographs I have of myself — the large one was done before Xmas last year and the other was taken out of a group, but I have been done here, and if they succeed, I shall send You one.

But I am afraid I must end my letter now, as there are still several things that have to be packed, and we leave, alas, in an hour.
Goodbye my own darling Grandmama
Kissing Your dear Hand most tenderly, I am ever Your very moving, deeply devoted and dutiful Child

Above: Alix.

Above: Queen Victoria.

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