Thursday, January 25, 2024

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated September 10, 1915, and Nicholas's telegram, dated September 10, 1915


Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916, published by Duckworth & Co., 1923
The letter:

No. 118.
Tsarskoje Selo, Sept. 10-th 1915
My own Sweetheart,
Yes, indeed the news is better — I just looked through the papers. What a blessing if the reinforcements from the south can soon get to their destination; one prays and prays. —

The article about Varnava in the papers is untrue, he gave exact answers to all questions and showed yr. telegram about the salutation. Last year the Synod had all the papers about the miracles and Sabler would not have the salutation this summer. Your will and order count, make them feel it. Varnava implores you to hurry with clearing out Samarin as he and Synod are intending to do more horrors and he has to go there again, poor man, to be tortured. Goremykin also finds one must hasten (alas, no list from him yet). One praises the redfaced Prutchenko too — only his brother and wife horrid about our Friend. Goremykin wants quickly to see you, and before any others when you return, but if you dont soon — he wants to go to you, he is ready to scream at the bishops, Varnava said and to send them off. You better send for the old Man. — As one wants a firm Government, instead of the old Man going; clear out the others and get strong ones in. Please, speak seriously about Khvostov as Minister of the Interior to Goremykin am sure he is the man for the moment, as fears nobody and is devoted to you.

Again an ugly thing about Nikolasha I am obliged to tell you. All the Barons sent to the Headquarters a B. Benkern to Nikolasha. He begged in all their names that these persecutions should cease, because they could not bear them any more. Nikolasha answered that he agreed with them, but could do nothing as the orders came from Tsarskoje Selo. Is not this too vile. S. Rebinder of the Artillery told it to Alia — Reutern was astonished to see Suvorin being received by Nikolasha. This must be cleared up, such a lie dare not lie upon you; they must be told that you are just to those that are loyal and never persecute the innocent. A man who wrote against Nikolasha was shut up for 8 months now, there they know how to stop the press, when it touches Nikolasha. — When the prayers for you were being read those 3 fasting days, fr. the Synod, in front of the Kazan Cathedral, 1000 of portraits of Nikolasha were being devided out to the crowds. What does that mean? They had intended quite another game, our Friend read their cards in time, and came to save you by entreating you to clear out Nikolasha and take over the Command yourself. One hears always more and more of their hideous, treacherous game. M. and S. spread horrors about me in Kiev and that I was going to be shut up in a Convent — the married daughter of one of the Trepovs was so hurt when they spoke, that she begged to leave the room. He wrote this to the Css. Schulenburg. Oh Lovy, Ivanov's army (some) heard these rumours — is that not a mean scandal? I see Dzhunkovsky has gone for an unfixed time to the Caucasus — there: "birds of one feather flock together" what new sin are they preparing? They better take care of their skin there. —

We, i. e. Olga, Ressin, Ania and I went to Peterhof — we left her at her Parents and drove on to the local hospital — clean this time and no very heavy wounded — then to the tiny red cross station near the English Embassy, where there were a few officers — then to the new Rathhouse near the lake, where were also wounded — nothing very bad. Took a cup of coffee at the Taneyev's and came home. Then Tatiana Andreievna came to say goodbye, after wh. Mère Catherine and the Abbess, and talked without end. She brought a paper about flying machines wh. the inventor showed before at the Headquarters — it was approved and the papers now stick somewhere, so I enclose a paper about it and can you have the thing hurried up. There is a Rubinstein who has given 1000's already, who is willing to give 500.000 for this invention being made, if he receives the same as Manus — pretty these beggings at such a time, charity cant go unbought — so ugly. — Then Mary came and now I am writing and quite gaga — the road tired me in motor. The sea, my sea! Felt, oh, so sad, reminded me of happy peaceful times, our house without you — we passed it — pain in my heart and full of remembrances. — I received sweet letters from Ernie, Onor and Frl. Textor. He gave them Sister Baroness Uxkull who came — he hoped I would see and help her — yr. Mama did not receive her and then I was not asked — a great mistake of hers. These Sisters could have told us about our Prisoners. Ernie thinks so much of you too — I enclose his letter. — Frl. Textor lives at W. to give the children German and English lessons. The heather blooms and it is lovely they say — I will show you his letter, when you come — asks for nothing only full of love. Yr. regiment has better luck than the red Dragoons, who have only one officer not wounded. Moritz youngest son is slowly recovering fr. wounds. V. Giedesel (who was with Sandro in Bulgaria — a dear) has lost 3 sons already. — Onors nephew has also been killed. — The weather was divine to day. I was in the hospital this morning — another Crimean is coming. —

Now must send off my letter, high time. —

Every blessing and fondest, tenderest, warmest kisses and endless love fr. yr. own old

Am glad you will see Misha. —

Have you a list of the losses in the guard? All are so anxious, the wives anxious about their husbands — cannot somebody copy them out and send them me. — Tell Fredericksy that young Mme Baranov (he was just killed) is fearfully poor, you kept him in the regiment by paying him, now she looses that and Shulgin begged me whether something could be done for her, as he was such a good officer. Mme Lütke thanks for the flowers I had sent from us both. —

Maria Plautin thanks colossaly. —

Nicholas's telegram:

Telegram. Stavka. 10 September, 1915
I thank you, the girls and Alexey, heartily for your last dear letters and for the telegram, I am glad that you went to Peterhof. I hope you are none the worse. Here it is also fine and a little warmer. I kiss all fondly.

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Grigori Rasputin.

Note: Nicholas and Alexandra often referred to Grigori Rasputin as "our Friend".

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated September 9, 1915, and Nicholas's telegram and letter, dated September 9, 1915


Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916, published by Duckworth & Co., 1923
The letter:

No. 117.
Tsarskoje Selo, Sept. 9-th 1915
My very own Sweet One,
At last a sunny morning & "of course we go to town", as Olga says; but I must go to hospitals, there is nothing to be done. Yesterday we went to the Invalid-hospital, I spoke to 120 men 1½, & the rest en gros as they stood in one room, — why I told you all this yesterday, I am quite foolish. Thank God the news is a bit better, I find, to the north, i. e. Vilna-Dvinsk, You said we left Vilna the other night, but they have not yet entered, have they? Am eagerly awaiting your promised letter to-day, such a joy always. —

There! I have got your precious letter & I thank you for it from the depths of my heart, I hold it in my left hand & kiss it, Sweetheart. Wont Mme Plautin be mad with joy to have news that her sons are safe, thanks so much for enquiring. What a lovely telegr. from our Friend. —

Thats good you use Kirill now after Georgie, so that each goes in turn, only don't send Dmitri, he is too young & it makes him conceited — wish you would send him off! — Only don't say its I who ask this. — Well, you have a lot to do. You had a better impression of Stcherbatov, but he is not good, I fear at all, so weak and wont work properly with the old man. Well look what they spoke about at Moscou, again those questions, wh. they had come to the conclusion to drop, & asking for an answerable minister wh. is quite impossible, even Kulomzin sees this clearly — did they really have the impertinence of sending you the intended telegram? How they all need to feel an iron will & hand — it has been a reign of gentleness & now must be the one of power & firmness — you are the Lord & Master in Russia & God Almighty placed you there & they shall bow down before your wisdom & firmness, enough of kindness, wh. they were not worthy of & thought they could hoist you round their finger. What they said at Moscow was printed yesterday — I saw poor Varnava to-day my dear, its abominable how Samarin behaved to him in the hotel & then in the Synod — such cross-examination as is unheard of & spoke so meanly about Gregory using vile words in speaking of Him. He makes the Gov. watch all their telegrams & send them to him — vicious about the salutation that you have no right to allow such a thing — upon wh. Varnava answered him soundly & said that you were the chief protector of the Church, & Samarin impertinently said you were its servant. Colossal insolence & more than ungentlemanlike — lolling back in his chair with crossed legs crossexamining a Bishop about our Friend. When Peter the Great of his own accord also ordered a "salutation", it was at once done, in the place & round about. After the salutation, the funeral services cease (as when we were at Sarov, the salutation & glorification, were done together) — & they have reordered funeral services & said they would not heed what you said. Lovy, you must be firm & give the strict order to the Synod that you insist upon your order being fulfilled & the salutation is to continue — more than ever one needs those prayers now. They ought to know that you are most displeased with them. And please do not allow Varnava to be sent away, he stood up splendidly for us & Gregory & showed them how they on purpose go against us in all this. Old Goremykin was more than hurt & horrified & beyond words shocked, wenn he heard that the Gov. (whom Dzhunkovsky had made change his opinion & instigated) said to Varnava that I was a crazy woman & Ania a nasty woman etc. — how can he remain after that? You cannot allow such things. These are the devil's last trials to make a mess everywhere & he shant succeed. Samarin said highest praise of Feofan & Hermogen, & wants to put the latter in Varnava's place. You see the rotten game of theirs. Some while ago I begged you to change the Gov. he spies upon them, every step Varnava took at Pokrosvk and what our Fr. does & what telegrams are written, thats Dzhunkovsky's work & Samarin's excited on through Nikolasha by the black women. — Agafangel spoke so badly (fr. Yaroslavl) — he ought to be sent away on the retiring list & replaced by Sergei F. who must leave & get out of the Synod — Nikon ought to be cleaned out of the Council of the Empire, where he is a member & also out of the Synod, he has besides the sin of Mt. Athos on his soul. This Suslik rightly all said, so as to give the Synod a good lesson & strong reprimand for their behaviour, therefore quickly change Samarin. Every day he remains, he is dangerous & does mischief, old man is of the same opinion, it is not woman's stupidity — therefore I cried so awfully when I heard they had forced you to name him at the Headquarters & I wrote to you in my misery, knowing Nikolasha proposed him because he was my enemy & Gregory's & through that yours. —

In conversation Metropolitan Vladimir said (they have made him mad too), when Varnava said that Samarin was breaking his neck by behaving thus, & that he is not Over-Procurator yet. "The Emperor is no boy and ought to know what he is doing" & "that you earnestly begged Samarin to accept" (I told Goremykin then that it was wrong) — well let them see & feel that you are not a boy & who calumniates people you respect & insults them — insults you, that they dare not call a Bishop to account for knowing Gregory — I cant repeat to you all the names they gave our Friend. Pardon my boring you again with all this, but its to show you, that you must quickly change Samarin. — I shall have to suffer for it if he remains, as I shall get it onto my head, you heard what the Governor said, & here one is not kindly intentioned towards me in some sets & its not the time to drag ones Sovereign or his wife down. Only be firm (he begged not to remain long, you remember) & don't put him into the Council of the Empire as a bonbons after he behaved & spoke openly like that about whom we receive & such a tone about you & yr. wishes — that cannot be borne, you have not the right to overlook it. These are the last fights for yr. internal Victory, show them yr. mastery.

Remember, in 6 days he kicked out old Damansky (because of Gregory) & gave 60.000 for his successor to arrange the appartments — hideous actions.

I invented to-day the aid to the new one — Prince Zhivakha you remember him, quite young, knows all about the Church questions, most loyal & religious (Bari-Bielgorod) don't you agree?

Clean out all, give Goremykin new ministers to work with & God will bless you & their work.

Please Lovebird, and quickly, I wrote to him to give a list, as you asked but he begged you to think of Sazonov's successor & Stcherbatov he is far too weak, tho' you liked him better this time. I am sure Voyeikov (his bosom friend) told him how to be — dont listen to Voyeikov, he has been wrong all this heavy time & a bad adviser. — it will pass, he is conceited & got a fright for his own skin. — Oh dear, humanity!

My Image of yesterday, of 1911 with the bell has indeed helped me to "feel" the people — at first I did not pay enough attention, did not trust to my opinion, but now I see the Image & our Friend have helped me grasp people quickly. And the bell would ring if they came with bad intentions & wld. keep them fr. approaching me — there, Orlov, Dshunkovsky, Drenteln who have that "strange" fright of me are those to have a special eye upon.

And you my love, try to heed what I say, its not my wisdom, but a certain instinct given by God beyond myself so as to be your help. —

Precious one, I send you the paper one of our wounded wrote by my request, as I was afraid of giving over the wish wrongly — It wld. be good if the regiment could get that bit of ground for building a mausoleum for their fallen officers. —

Perhaps you would tell Fred. to give the order from you to Stcherbatov you have not the time for doing all yourself. — The little Image is fr. Ania she went to the Chapel today whilst we were visiting hospitals, both under my protection. The one for 60 officers on the Horse. Guards Boulevard, very nice indeed & then to the Vyborg suburb between the prisons (a new hospital for the prisoners) wh. was now at once used for 130 men. — so nice & clean — several Semenovtsi fr. Kholm & rifles etc. & one who had been for a year in Germany. The pavement was atrocious. You see I choose the smart & quite poor places to turn up in — they shall see that I don't care what one says & shall go about as always. Now that I am feeling better, I can do it. — Such sunny weather. From Znamenia I went in my Droshki round the Boulevard to the hospital to get good air in the morning. — Is there a chance of your coming now? — I was thinking about Novgorod (don't tell Voyeikov) & Ressin is making inquiries. By boat, or motor even fr. the broad railway too far, 60 Verst — so one must get into the narrow gauged waggon. Sleeping here in the train — reaching there in the morning, lunching there etc. back by 10½ in the evening — because must look at the Cathedral. The new soldiers are there & that makes me doubt whether I ought not rather await yr. return. If so, wire to me, "wait about Novgorod" & I shall then. — Our Friend wants me to go about more, but where to? —

Did you copy out his telegr. for yourself on the extra sheet? If not, here it is again:

"Sept. 7, 1915. Do not fall when in trouble God will glorify by his appearance." — Olga has a committee this evening. — Alexei's train (Schulenburg) sticks at Opukliki since 4 days, was stopped there until called to Polotzk; he asked the Comm. of Polotzk by wire, but received no answer yet — are we cut off from there? —

My train returned, said there were lots of sanitaries waiting out there without being able to move, I hope it means that our troops are being brought up there? Then masses of women were brought to work near the lakes, but not told for how long, so that they had no time to take warm clothes, got wages per day for the journey, 30 Kopeeks & the journey lasted 5 days — are the Governors mad. Never any order here, it drives me to distraction — that lesson we ought to learn fr. the Germans.

Sister Olga's train is bringing many wounded officers & men & 90 refugees. I told them always to pick them up on the way. —

Dear me, what a lot one might do — I long to poke my nose into everything (Ella does it with success) — to wake up people, put order into all & unite all forces. All goes by fits & starts — so irregular — so very little energy (my despair, as have enough, no matter if I feel ill even, wh. thank God I don't just now) — am wise & don't do too much. — Now the endless letter must be finished. Do I write too much? Courage — energy — firmness will be rewarded by success, you remember what He said, that the glory of yr. reign is coming & we shall fight for it together, as it means the glory of Russia — you & Russia are one. —

Beloved one, yes, my bed is much softer than yr. camp-bed — how I wish you were here to share it. Only when you are away I dream. 2 weeks & ½ since you left. I bless you & cover you with kisses, my Angel, & press you to my heart. God be with you.
For ever yr. very own old

Nicholas's telegram:

Telegram. Stavka. 9 September, 1915.
I thank you heartily, my love, Tatiana and the Little One. I hope that you are not tiring yourself out. Misha has asked for permission to come here. I shall be very glad to see him in the near future. The news is a trifle better. God grant that in a few days it may be really comforting. The weather is cold, clearer. ...

Nicholas's letter:

Mogilev. 9 September, 1915.
I thank you, I thank you for your dear, long letters, which now come more regularly — about 9.30 in the evening. You write just as you speak. The behaviour of some of the Ministers continues to amaze me! After all that I told them at that famous evening sitting, I thought they understood both me and the fact that I was seriously explaining precisely what I thought. What matter? — so much the worse for them! They were afraid to close the Duma — it was done! I came away here and replaced N., in spite of their advice; the people accepted this move as a natural thing and understood it, as we did. The proof-numbers of telegrams which I receive from all sides, with the most touching expressions. All this shows me clearly one thing: that the Ministers, always living in town, know terribly little of what is happening in the country as a whole. Here I can judge correctly the real mood among the various classes of the people: everything must be done to bring the war to a victorious ending, and no doubts are expressed on that score. I was told this officially by all the deputations which I received some days ago, and so it is all over Russia. Petrograd and Moscow constitute the only exceptions — two minute points on the map of the fatherland!

The charming Shavelsky has returned from his journey to the 2nd Corps at Dvinsk and from the 3rd behind Riga. He communicated a great many consoling things to me — naturally sad ones too — but a brave spirit pervades all. I hear the same thing from George, Mordvinov and the fat Kakhovsky, who accompanied him. They are still waiting here for the first opportunity of going to other troops in the North. Misha inquired by telegraph whether he might come towards the end of the week; I shall be very glad to see him here.

Well, my precious little bird, I must finish. God bless you and the children! I love you so much and pray for you fervently every day. I am sending our Friend's telegram — his son is taken, then. I bless and kiss you ardently.
Always your

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Nicholas. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Grigori Rasputin.

Note: Nicholas and Alexandra often referred to Grigori Rasputin as "our Friend".

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated September 8, 1915, and Nicholas's telegram, dated September 8, 1915


Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916, published by Duckworth & Co., 1923
The letter:

No. 116.
Tsarskoje Selo, Sept. 8-th 1915
My own beloved One,
Am so anxious what news — its 10½ & the "Novoye Vremya" has not come & I don't know what is going on, as never get the telegr. any more as before were sent me, when you were at the Headquarters. So cold, 3 degr. only in the night, grey & windy. The eldest went to mass at 9 & the little ones now, I shall follow, have been reading through an immense fat report fr. Rostovtsev. — There is Prince Ukhtomsky in the 4-th rifles & his wife is terribly worried, as some of the comrades said they had seen him fallen, wounded, whereas no sanitary has yet brought him. Did Boris bring the lists? But it may have happened since. In town one says all the guard was surrounded, but I wont believe anything that is not official. I must dress for Church. Service was nice last night & they sang well. —

Dear one, it is so difficult when there are things one must tell you directly — & I dont know whether anybody reads our telegrams. Again I have had to wire an unpleasant thing to you, but there was no time to loose. I have asked her, as well as she can, to write out Suslik's conversation in the Synod. Really the little man has behaved with marvelous energy, standing up for us & our Friend, & gave back slapping answers to their questions. Tho' the Metropolitan is very displeased with Samarin, yet at this interrogation he was feeble & held his tongue, alas. — They want to clear Varnava out & put Hermogen in his place, have you ever heard such an impudence! They dare not do it without yr. sanction, as by yr. order he was punished. Its once more Nikolasha's doing (egged on by the women) he made him come out of his place, without any right, to Vilna to live with Agafangel & of course this latter, S. Philip & Nikon (the awful harmbringer to Athos) attacked Varnava about our Friend for 3 hours; Samarin went to Moscou for 3 days I think, no doubt to see Hermogen — I sent you the cutting about his having been allowed to spend 2 days in Moscou at Vostokov's by Nikolasha's order — since when was he allowed to mix in such questions, knowing that by yr. order the punishment was inflicted upon Hermogen! How dare they go against yr. permission of the "salutation" — what have they come to, even there anarchy reigns & once more Nikolasha's fault, as he (purposely) proposed Samarin, knowing that that man would do all in his power against Gregory & me, but here you are dragged in, & that is criminal, & at such a time quite particularly. Several times the old man told Samarin not to touch that subject, therefore he is fearfully hurt & said to Varnava & that he found Samarin must at once leave, other-wise they will drag it into the public. I find those 2 bishops ought at once to be taken out of the Synod — let Pitirim come & sit there, as our Friend feared Nikolasha would harm him if he heard that Piritim venerates our Friend. Get other, more worthy Bishops in. Strike of the Synod — at such a time, too unpatriotic, unloyal — what does it concern anybody — may they now pay for it & learn who is their master. Here is a cutting "again" you will say, but V. J. Gurko says (I will write it better out instead of sending you the paper). In Moscou, Lvov allowed him to speak: "We want a strong authority — we mean an authority armed with extraordinary powers, authority with a horse-whip (now you show it them in every way, where you can, you are their autocrat master) but not such an authority which it itself under whip." A slandering pun, directed against you & our Friend, God punish them for this; — its not Christian to write this, then better, God forgive them, but above all make them repent. —

Varnava told Goremykin all about the Governor — how nice he was with Gregory until he came here & got horrid orders fr. Stcherbatov, i. e. Samarin. About me he said to Suslik "a foolish woman" & about Ania abominable things wh. he cld. not even repeat. Goremykin says he must at once be changed. Look through my letters of about 5 days ago, there I named one, our Friend would have liked to have. Only all this must be done quickly, the effect is all the greater. Samarin knows yr. opinion & wishes & so does Stcherbatov & they don't care, thats the vile part of it. Give orders to the old man, that is then easy for him to fulfil. He told Varnava how hard it was to have all against him, if only you would give him new ministers to work with. — Samarin had ordered Varnava to go to you — now it would have been good, he could have told you all, only it will take up your time & one must hurry with ones decisions. You see he is like S. I. incorrigible & narrowminded. He ought to think of his churches, clergy & convents & not of whom we receive. That is his bad conscience now. Once more "who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself", like Nikolasha. — Quicker also change the ministers, he cannot work with them — if you give him categorical orders, then he can give them over, thats easier — but to talk with them he cant. Excellent to send several flying & keep him, serves them right, please think of it.

Despairing not to be with you & talk all over quietly together. —

About the war news our Friend writes (add it to yr. list of telegrams) Sept. 8: "Don't fear it will not be worse than it was, faith and the banner will favor us." — I enclose a telegram of E. Wittgenstein, born Nabokova (Groten's great friend, was in Marie's train). She wants medals, perhaps you would give Fred. the order — & the telegram too. The Images I can send her straight. — Here my love is Khvostov's speech in reading you will understand why Paul disapproved because he openly speaks against Dzhunkovsky. You better keep it in case one makes remarks about him, you can always fall back upon it; its clever & honest & energetic — a man longing to be of use to you. — Are you having more justice done in the Baltic provinces, one would like that, I must say poor people suffer enough. — Khvostov's speech I have just read through, very clear & interesting, but I must say our own lazy slave natures without any initiative have been at fault, we ought to have kept the bank in hand before — earlier nobody paid attention, now all eyes hunt for the German influence, but we brought it on ourselves, I assure you by our lazyness. Pay attention to page 21, 22 about Dzhunkovsky, what right had he to telegraph such a thing, it was only possible in quite particular cases — & that sounds rotten. I think it will interest you as it shows you his ideas about the banks etc. Then Ania's paper I enclose about Varnava & the Synod. Anastasia kisses you & begs pardon for not having written but we went for a little drive (of course the girls froze) & then to the Invalid-house where it lasted 1½ hour talking to all. We picked up Ania again at Css. Schulenberg's ideal little cottage. Then they went to their hospital & after tea to Ania's to play with some young girls. — One's head is ramolished fr. conversations — but the spirit is good, Lovy, & ready for anything you need. Varnava comes to me to-morrow. Go on being energetic Sweetheart, use your broom — show them your energetic, sure, firm side wh. they have not seen enough. Now is the fight to show them who you are, & that you have enough — you tried with gentleness & kindness, but that did not take, now you will show the contrary — the Master-will. Kussov wrote to Ania amongst other things, sad that a man like Miheyev came in yr. name as he represents nothing & does not know how to represent — nor to speak.

Manny mine, Angel Sweetheart, so sorry to daily bore you with things, but I cant otherwise. — I long to kiss & gaze into yr. beloved eyes. I bless & kiss you without end in true & deep devotion. God bless, guard, guide & protect you.
Ever yr. very own old

Are you thinking of sending Dmitri back to the regiment? Dont let him dawdle about doing nothing, its his ruin, he will be worth nothing, if his caracter does not get formed at the war — he was not out more than one or 2 months.

Nicholas's telegram:

Stavka. 8 September 1915.
Thanks for telegram. It is difficult to dismiss him without having chosen somebody in his place. Could not the old man give you a list to choose from, and send it on to me? To-day, Mordvinov, who is accompanying George, told me a great deal of good news about the army. I kiss you tenderly.

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra.

Above: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei.

Above: Grigori Rasputin.

Notes: Alexandra almost always referred to Grigori Rasputin as "our Friend".

"him" = Samarin, the Procurator of the Synod.

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated September 7, 1915, and Nicholas's telegram and letter, dated September 7, 1915


Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916, published by Duckworth & Co., 1923
The letter:

No. 115.
Tsarskoje Selo, Sept. 7-th 1915
Beloved Huzy dear,
Cold, windly & rainy — may it spoil the roads. I have read through the papers — nothing written that we have left Vilna — again very mixed, success, bad luck & it cannot be otherwise, & one rejoices over the smallest success. It does not seem to me that the Germans will venture much more further, it would be great folly to enter deeper into the country — as later our turn will come. — Is the ammunition, shells & rifles coming in well? You will send people to have a look — your Suite? — Your poor dear head must be awfully tired with all this work & especially the interior questions? Then, to recapitulate what the old man said: to think of a new minister of the interior, (I told him you had not yet fixed upon Neidhardt; perhaps, when you return, you can think once more about Khvostov); a successor to Sazonov, whom he finds quite impossible, has lost his head, cries & agitates against Goremykin, & then the question, whether you intend keeping the latter or not. But certainly not a minister who answers before the Duma, as they want — we are not ripe for it & it would be Russia's ruin — we are not a Constitutional country & dare not be it, our people are not educated for it & thank God our Emperor is an Autocrat & must stick to this, as you do — only you must show more power & decision. I should have cleared out quickly still Samarin & Krivoshein, the latter displeases the old man greatly, right & left & excited beyond words.

Goremykin hopes you won't receive Rodzianko. (Could one but get another instead of him, an energetic, good man in his place wld. keep the Duma in Order.) — Poor old man came to me, as a "soutien" & because he says I am "l'énergie". To my mind, much better clear out ministers who strike & not change the President who with decent, energetic, well-intentioned cooperates can serve still perfectly well. He only lives & serves you & yr. country & knows his days are counted & fears not death of age, nor by knife or shot — but God will protect him & the holy Virgin. Our Friend wanted to wire to him an encouraging telegram. — Markozov — no I must finish about Goremykin, he beggs you to think of somebody for Moscou & besides get Mrozovsky to come quicker, as these sessions may become too noisy in Moscou & therefore an eye & voice of the Minister of Interior ought to be there, & one has the right to, as Moscou is under the minister of Interior. Neratov he finds no good for replace Sazonov (I only like that mentioned his name), he knows him since he was a boy & says he never served out of Russia, & that is not convenient at such a place. But where to get the man. We had enough of Isvolsky & he is not a very sure man — Girs is not worth much, Benk. — the name already against him. Where are men I always say, I simply cannot grasp, how in such a big country does it happen that we never can find suitable people, with exceptions! —

My conversation with Markozov was most interesting (a little too sure of himself) & he can tell one many necessary things & clear up misunderstandings. Polivanov knows him well & already he has cleared up one thing. It seems there was an order to take off of the prisoner officers their epaulets, wh. created an awful fury in Germany & wh. I understand — why humiliate a prisoner & that is one of those wrong orders of 1914 fr. the Headquarters — thank God one has now changed it. — He also understands that we must always try to be in the right, as they at once otherwise repay us equally — till for that — & when this hideous war is over & the hatred abated, I long that one should say, that we were noble. The horror of being a prisoner is already enough for an officer & one wont forget humiliations or cruelties — let them carry home remembrances of christianity & honour. Luxury, nobody asks for. They are really improving the lot of our prisoners. I saw a photo, Max did of our wounded at Saalem (A. Maroussia's place) in the garden, near a Russian toy hut, Max used to play in & they look well fed & contented. Their greatest hatred has passed, & ours is artificially kept up by the rotten "Novoye Vremya". — I must fly & dress, as we have got an operation & before that I want to place my candles & pray for you as usual; my treasure, my Angel, my Sunshine, my poor much-suffering Job. I cover you with kisses & mourn over your loneliness. —

The operation went off alright — in the afternoon we went to the big Palace hospital. Kulomzin came to me to present himself & bring lists, to show me what the Romanovsky committee has done; — most interesting talk about all sorts of questions. —

Well, Dear, here are a list of names, very little indeed, who might replace Samarin. Ania got them through Andronnikov who had been talking with the Metropolitan as he was in despair Samarin got that nomination, saying that he unterstood nothing about the Church affairs. Probably he saw Hermogen at Moscou, in any case he sent for Varnava, abused our Friend, & said that Hermogen had been the only honest man, because he was not afraid to tell you all against Gregory & therefore he was shut up, & that he, Samarin wishes Varnava to go & tell you all against Gregory; he answered that he could not, only if the other ordered him to, & as coming from him. So I wired to the old man to receive Varnava who would tell him all, & I hope the old man will speak to Samarin after & wash his head. You see, he does not heed what you told him — he does nothing in the Synod & only persecutes our Friend, i. e. goes straight against us both — unpardonable, & at such a time even criminal. He must leave. — Well here: Khvostov (minister of justice) very religious knowing much about the Church, most devoted to you & much heart. Guriev (Director of the Chancellery of the Synod) very honest, serves long in the Synod (likes our Friend). He mentioned Makarov ex minister, but he would never do, & a small unknown man. —

But he goes on singing a praise of Khvostov & tells it to Gregory as he wants to bring him round to see, that this is a man ready to have himself chopped to pieces for you (will stand up for our Friend, never allow one mention him); his manque de tacte after all don't mind so much now, when one needs an energetic man who knows people in every place, & a Russian name, Kulomzin also hates the "Novoye Vremya" & finds the Moscov. Vied. & "Russkoye Slovo" much better. I am a bit anxious what they are producing in Moscou. The Petrograd strikes, Andronnikov says, are thanks to colossal gaffes of Stcherbatov who shut up people who had nothing to do in that respect. — I hope Voyeikov listens less to Stcherbatov — he is such a nullity & weak & by that does harm. — What dull letters I write, but me wants to help zoo so awfully, Sweetheart, & so many use me as an organ to give over things to you. —

Sonia Den took tea with us, she leaves for Koreiz, as needs a better climate, is so happy you are out there & understands perfectly well that you went now when all is so difficult. —

Yesterday we took tea at Pavlovsk with Mavra — Aunt Olga turned up too — she looks unwell, worked in Sunday fr. 10-2½ in the hospital — she overtires herself, but wont listen to reason. I understand her — myself of experience have realised one must do less, alas, so I work rarely, to keep my strength for more necessary things.

Yesterday evening we were at Ania's, also Shurik, Yuzik Marie's friend & Alexei Pavlovitch, who told us about the Headquarters — he leaves for there again to-morrow. —

I enclose a letter from Ania about her brother, tho' I advised her not to send it as if the name comes to you, of yr. own accord I know you will do what is right for the boy who worked so hard. —

Now I must dress for Church. Cold, wet and rainy, — may it spoil the roads thoroughly at least. — Awfully anxious to get news — God will help. —

Goodbye & God bless you my sweetest of sweets. —

I cover your precious face with tenderest, warmest kisses & long to hold you in my arms & forget everything for a few moments.
Ever yr. very own old

Here is Babysweets letter too. —

Nicholas's telegram:

Telegram. Stavka. 7 September, 1915.
Thanks for your letter and Olga's. Also for the information. This man's behaviour is beginning to drive me mad...

Nicholas's letter:

Mogiliev. 7 September, 1915.
My warmest thanks for your dear letter, in which you spoke of your visits to the begentzi in various parts of the town! What an excellent idea, and how splendid that you should have been and seen everything for yourself! I can judge of the way your brain works by the abundance of thoughts and names which you mention in your letters. I shall inquire about Ploto and shall try to do what is possible. It is the right thing — to send members of the suite to the factories which are working for the army, and I shall tell this to the old man, who throws himself at your feet!

Yesterday George returned quite unexpectedly. He looks well and sunburnt. He saw the 30th Army Corps, but could not reach the Guards of the Northern Army, as fierce battles were raging. He told me a great number of interesting things. To-day I sent Kyrill to visit Gen. Ivanov and his three magnificent armies, after their recent successes. He is taking with him 4200 crosses and also officers' decorations; he is delighted to have been given such a job.

Yesterday, although it was Sunday, was a very busy day. At 10 o'clock, church; from 11 to 12.30, work on the Staff, a big lunch, then Shcherbatov's report; I told him everything. A half-hour's walk in the garden. From 6 to 7.30, Polivanov's report in the presence of Alexeiev, and after dinner his private report, and then a mass of beastly papers for signature. This time, Shcherbatov has made a much better impression on me than he did at Tsarskoe; he was much less timid, and reasoned soundly. Concerning Moscow, he repeated that there is no cause for alarm about the Syiezd, for, if they make stupid resolutions, they will not be passed for printing, and so no harm can result. Right!

I ... would give a great deal to be able to nestle in our comfortable old bed; my field bedstead is so hard and stiff! But I must not complain — how many sleep on damp grass and mud!

God bless you, my love, and the children! Tenderly and passionately I kiss you times without number. Ever your old hubby

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Grigori Rasputin.

Notes: Alexandra almost always referred to Grigori Rasputin as "our Friend".

manque de tacte = lack of tact.

"This man" = Sazonov.

begentzi (беженцы) = refugees.

Syiezd (Съезд) = Assembly.