Monday, December 25, 2023

Alexandra's letter to Marie Feodorovna, dated Christmas Day 1900


George Hawkins at Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook
The letter:

Xmas Day 1900
My darling Motherdear,
How can I ever thank you enough for your lovely presents. Really you spoil one so. The beautiful brooch I am wearing now. A tender kiss for all. And the Children thank you ever so much for their lots of charming toys, with which they were perfectly enchanted. The books shall only be shown them on quite special occasions, so as to keep them as remembrances with dear Amama's handwriting.

Baby was so happy with their turning tree and that it played. Nothing can be nicer than seeing Children under a Xmas tree, and it reminds one so vividly of one's Childhood.

It was very sad not being with you at Гатчина and our thoughts wandered there constantly. But I really think it was so much wiser Ники remained here, owing to your council. Tho' I can imagine what it must have cost you making that proposition. You are longing for him I am sure, especially since his illness. You will be satisfied with his looks when we bring him back to you, I am sure, he is getting quite plump and has a splendid appetite.

We dined under our Xmas tree at 8 after Church, and than arranged our many beautiful presents. It seems too strange spending Xmas here and having such warm weather. But to-day it is grey and rainy. Ники takes long walks and short rides, alas alone, as I have not been able to get out of the house since almost two weeks on account of my stupid cough.

We miss dear Xenia so much as we were so constantly to-gether.

From Grandmama I have better news, tho' she has been far from well. Her nerves were in such a state that she could not sleep, eat badly and was very weak. She has to rest much. It is very sad being so far away, I have not seen her for over four years — we never were near so long seperated and she was always kindness and dearness itself to me, ever since I can remember. God grant she may be spared to us still many a year.

Thanks so much for your kind telegram, telling me that you had seen Ernie and Ducky. It is very disappointing knowing them at Царское and not being there, but I hope it will not be too long before we all meet again in Petersburg.

But I must say Goodbye now, as it is time to go to Church and Ники and the little girlies are waiting. Once more, very fondest thanks for the lovely presents. With all my heart I wish you a pleasant Xmastide and good health.
Kissing you ever so tenderly, beloved Motherdear, I remain Your deeply loving Child

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev.

Above: Alexandra with Olga, Tatiana and Maria. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

Above: Marie Feodorovna with Xenia.

Note: Alexandra's grandmother, Queen Victoria, tragically passed away at Osborne House on January 9/22 (New Style), 1901, at the age of 81. Her state funeral was held on February 2, and she was buried at Frogmore Mausoleum on February 4. Alexandra was devastated at not being able to go to England to attend either event and say her final goodbyes to her grandmother, who had been like a mother to her ever since she was six years old. Victoria had reigned for 63 years and was the longest reigning monarch in British history and the longest reigning queen regnant in world history until she was surpassed in 2015 by her great-great-granddaughter, the late Queen Elizabeth II, who died in 2022 at age 96 during the 70th year of her own reign.

Alexandra's letter to Xenia, dated Christmas Day 1900


George Hawkins at Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook
The letter:

Xmas day 1900
Darling Chicken,
Such loving thanks to you and Sandro for the sweet little locket wh I am wearing. You must give me a tiny head of yourself to put into it.

I do hope you felt well enough to enjoy the tree at Gatchina. It was sad not being to-gether, but never the less we spent our evening happily and without headaches for a wonder.

At 4 o'clock I went with the Children into the red saloon downstairs and gave the maids and servants their presents under a large tree. Then, at 4.30 the Children had theirs in the nursery. I had dressed it with the ladies. Baby was quite enchanted as it turned and played Xmas Carrols. They were delighted with all their toys and very merry.
Then I sent the ladies their presents and a pretty tree we had dressed, and poor Власенко also had a wee tree we had arranged. At 7 we went to Church, i. e. we stood in the sacristy as usual. During that time our tree had been arranged and we dined under it à deux. Then we arranged our presents wh there were many and lovely ones. Nicky thanks tenderly for his links.

It is raining and quite dull weather. Our rooms are full of holly and bunches of mistletoe.

I cannot write any more now, as we must be off to Church with the Children. Marie is on leave, Tegleva in bed with Influenza, and Шура has a colossally swollen cheek.
With all my heart I kiss you and wish you joy and good health. Best love to Sandro from us both. Goodbye and God bless you, darling Chicken.
Ever yr devoted old

I hope the covers for Ѳеодоръ and Никита will be useful. Would you like me to make for the other two, or have they got their own?

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

Above: Xenia.