Monday, June 24, 2024

Alix's letter three days after what would have been her father's 56th birthday, written to Queen Victoria, dated September 15, 1892


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, page 286, by George Hawkins, 2023

The letter:

Sept 15th 1892
My darling Grandmama,
I cannot thank you enough for your dear letter, which touched me so deeply. It was too good and kind of you to write to me for the 12th, which was a terribly sad day, — one missed beloved Papa quite dreadfully — to think that one never more shall spend that else so happy day to-gether, one cannot believe it.

But I am too thankful that we were still last year to-gether on that day at Cassel, when the large parade was.

Though coming to Balmoral will bring many memories, I am looking forward to it, as I long to see you, my dearest darling Grandmama.

Ernie is so sorry that we cannot leave here sooner, but it is impossible, on account of the manoeuvres, at wh. he has to be present.

Yesterday I went to Homburg to say Goodbye to the Aunts and Cousins, whom I all thought looking well — they are expecting Willy to come on Sunday. I am so glad that Dona's wish has at last been fulfilled and that she has a little Daughter, God grant that all may go well.

With much love and kissing Your dear Hand most affectionately, I remain Beloved Grandmama, Ever Your very loving deeply devoted and dutiful Child

Above: Alix.

Above: Queen Victoria.

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