Sunday, June 23, 2024

Alix's letter to Queen Victoria, dated May 9, 1892


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 262 to 264, by George Hawkins, 2023

The letter:

May 9th 1892
My beloved Grandmama
I cannot tell You how deeply touched I was that You wrote to me so very soon — it was really too dear and kind of You, and I send you my most heartfelt thanks. I am so glad that You had a good crossing, and only hope that the journey was not too tiring.

We do miss You so, as it was such a pleasure seeing You, and that You were able to spend a few days with us. Thanks so much for coming as indeed it was a great comfort seeing You. It is so quiet again now, and Irène and Baby have also left — a Child in the house makes so much difference.

Ernie returns this evening from Potsdam — he seems to have had a grand reception — yes indeed, darling Grandmama I shall try and do all to help him, as his life will not be easy for him now, and he is still so young. I only wish I were as clever as Victoria, as then I could be of far more use to him — but I am sure Ernie will always try and so all that is right, & will gladly listen to all and any advice.

It will not always be easy, as he is so lively and not as patient as my own beloved Papa was. Oh, dear Grandmama, one does miss him too terribly. Everything has remained the same, and yet it is so very different — the real sunshine has left us.

Yesterday Irène and I went for a ride with Herr and Frau von Riedesel, it was very pleasant out. I thought it would be a good thing to begin again, as then we can take Ernie sometimes out too, as I am sure it will do him no end of good.

Victoria has asked me to lunch at the Alte Palais, so as that I should not feel too lonely. Her headache is quite gone and she looks better.

Pfarrer Bender and Dr. Eigenbrodt were deeply touched that You so kindly sent them Your Print and Photograph.

I am glad to hear that Mrs Tuck arrived safely, and hope that she will soon quite recover, as it must be too unpleasant for You having an ill Maid in the house.
Kissing Your dear Hand most affectionately, I remain, My dearest Grandmama,
Ever Your very loving and deeply devoted and dutiful Child

Above: Alix.

Above: Queen Victoria.

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