Sunday, June 23, 2024

Alix's letter to Queen Victoria, dated December 12, 1891


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 247, by George Hawkins, 2023

The letter:

Dec 12th 1891
My dearest Grandmama,
It was such a very great pleasure receiving Your dear, kind letter, and I thank You for it with all my heart.

Dear Papa is just now feeling better, he is very careful, so does not go out shooting often. He may not go where it is at all steep, as he then immediately gets palpitation of the heart — neither may he take strong wines, and scherry etc.

The Dr wishes him to take regular exercise and he is very good and does so every afternoon with me, though it bores him, as he is never very fond of walking — we usually take the collie with us. He no longer feels depressed and is in quite good spirits, but he has never fainted, I am glad to say.

Yes, darling Grandmama, I was glad to hear of Eddy's Engagement, and I hope and trust that May will make him very happy. I did not write to congratulate her, as we never coresponded, and it would have been rather difficult, and I am sure if You thought I ought to have done so, You would have told me. I have asked Thora of Holstein to give her my fondest congratulations, so that she may see how much I wish for her happiness. She was so nice at the Stateconcert this summer.

We were so sorry to hear about poor Georgie's illness, but hope that he is fast recovering.
With best love to Auntie, kissing Your dear Hand most affectionately, I am, beloved Grandmama, Your very loving and dutiful Child

Above: Alix. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

Above: Queen Victoria.

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