Monday, May 2, 2022

Pallisander Room


GMZ Tsarskoe Selo

Vitrine cabinet arrives in the Maple Room


The Tsarskoselskaya Restoration Workshop

Alix's letter to Xenia, dated July 24, 1893


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 298 to 299, by George Hawkins, 2023

George Hawkins at Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

Панедѣльникъ July 24th 1893
Darling Xenia,
It is such a century ago that I last heard from my dear little Chicken, that I must send you a few lines to enquire how you are.

Ernie has returned from England, he enjoyed his stay there so much. How did Nicky like it?

I hear Aunt Alix is going to Denmark, are you going to meet them there this year, or do you go in '94? I wish we could meet once again, though I believe I should scarcely recognise you as a grown up lady.

The heat is great, we have been in the garden watching wasp's and hornets' nests being burnt, there are such quantities this year. We play a good deal lawn tennis and I ride generally before breakfast or drive four in hand, wh is such fun.

I wonder what you are doing with yourself, do send me a line some times if it does not bore you too much to write to the old Hen.

With a good tender kiss and love to the others, I remain,
Ever yr very loving old

I have got again a sweet little squirrel, three tortoises and the parrot. Have you good news from the Weeping Willow? You must excuse this dull letter, but the heat has made me quite ramolie. Do write and tell me what you are all doing. For the present we are stopping here. Jagdschloss, Wolfsgarten, Post Egelsbach, Hessen.

Bless you!

Above: Alix. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

Above: Xenia.

Notes: Панедѣльникъ (Понедельник) = Monday.

Weeping Willow = Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich, Nicholas and Xenia's brother and Alix's future brother-in-law.

ramolie = exhausted, tired.