Sunday, June 23, 2024

Alix's letter to Queen Victoria, dated July 11, 1891


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 226 to 227, by George Hawkins, 2023

The letter:

July 11th 1891
My darling Grandmama,
I hope you will pardon my not having written yet, but I thought a letter would be a bore, whilst you were having so many guests staying at the Castle. I was so glad to hear that everything went off so well during William's visite, and only hope that the ceremonies were not too tiring.

I am sure Louise must have looked very pretty at her Wedding; I heard from her yesterday, and she seems very happy, only so sorry for her poor sister whom she misses terribly.

It was such a pleasure seeing Sophie and Tino; their Baby is too sweet, so good and always merry. Mossy really intends now to occupy herself more, as she also feels that it is the only way to forget how lonely she is. She and Aunt did look so happy to have Sophie with them, only they were dreading the moment of separation.

The weather here is really terrible, as it pours every day, so that the roads are in a terrible state.

I think so much of the happy time we spent at Balmoral and Windsor and I thank You, beloved Grandmama, most heartily for all Your kindness to me. Kissing Your dear Hand most affectionately,
I am, Ever Your most loving and dutiful Child

Above: Alix.

Above: Queen Victoria.

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