Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dr. Vladimir Derevenko's letter to Alexandra, dated May 31, 1916


Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

Above: Alexandra.

Above: Alexei with Dr. Derevenko in earlier years.

The letter:

31/V [1916]
Your Imperial Majesty.
Day 2 was very hot and stuffy, it was so warm that Alexei Nikolaevich was allowed to run along the sand on the bank of the Dnieper barefoot and even go into the water, the t[emperature] of which = 18-19° R. This circumstance gave grounds for Alexei Nikolaievich to ask permission to swim.

Discussing this request, Sergei Petrovich and I came to the conclusion that it could be satisfied on the condition that the day would be clear, warm, without wind, that the t[emperature] of water would not be lower than 19° and that A. N. will sit in the water no more than 5-8' [minutes], and then get dressed and rest in the sun. Our meeting and the results of the meeting do not have the force of law without the sanction of Your Majesty and A. N. was notified of this. He behaves well, and if at times he goes beyond what is permitted, then adults are partly to blame. Yesterday (30/V) in the morning A. N. with his August Father prayed before the Miraculous Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.

A prayer service was held before the Headquarters in the square. It was raining. After the Prayer, A. N. went running with a wet head as a result, has a cold today. The hand (left), which was almost better, ceased to bend for several hours today. A. N. does not complain about pain and remains in good spirits. I had thought to ask Your Majesty for permission to start a mud treatment here, but I decided that it was absolutely impossible to treat him here with anything, and even more so with mud, since Alexei Nikolaevich spends all day in public and is busy all day, and meanwhile the left elbow strongly requires vigorous treatment. The fact is that in the joint as a result of repeated exudates, lasting changes that can interfere with the functions of the joint are developing.

His Highness has just conveyed to me Your Majesty's gracious greetings. Deeply touched, I ask Your Majesty and the Grand Duchesses to accept the feelings of my heartfelt gratitude and devotion.
Your Imperial Majesty's devoted servant 
V. Derevenko.

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