Saturday, February 6, 2021

Alix's letter to Ernst, dated July 24/August 5, 1889


The Correspondence of the Empress Alexandra of Russia with Ernst Ludwig and Eleonore, Grand Duke and Duchess of Hesse, 1878-1916, edited by Petra H. Kleinpenning, 2010

The letter:

Darling Ernie,
I am writing to tell you now, what Grandmamma has let us know. She leaves Osborne on the 22nd for Wales, and arrives at Balmoral on the 28th. — So you better write immediately, & settle with her, what you intend doing. — I leave probably on the 11th, & Irène on the 9th, after the Christening at the Heiligenberg. —

Yesterday we drove at a quarter past nine to Darmstadt, (all of us) where Irène rested an hour, I worked & wrote & the ladies went to the Schlosskirche. Baby of course went with us. Then we drove with other horses & carriages through the park to Wolfsgarten. Fr. v. Seckendorff was enchanted with the place, & Wilhelmine showed her everything. Uncle Henry & Abby came for luncheon, & afterwards the latter, Gretchen & I played billiards. Indigo looks quite nice & fat, & ran about merrily in the courtyard, Ba[m]bino also. — Papa had already gone there on Saturday for shooting, & when we returned here by rail, he drove himself to Dieburg. —

The day before yesterday, there was a fire here in the village, & our baker's Scheune was burnt down, & one or two pigs.

Tebe sends you both very many messages.

Now Addio, with a long & tender embrace, Ever your loving Alix.

Above: Alix.

Above: Ernst.

Note: Scheune = barn.

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