Saturday, February 6, 2021

Alix's letter to Ernst, dated June 14/26, 1889


The Correspondence of the Empress Alexandra of Russia with Ernst Ludwig and Eleonore, Grand Duke and Duchess of Hesse, 1878-1916, edited by Petra H. Kleinpenning, 2010

The letter:

Darling Ernie,
I am quite ashamed that I have not written to you before, but I really had no time, & was lazy. —

Whilst Papa is at Stuttgart, I stay at Jugenheim. — I only drove in to-day, for my lessons. Irène arrives Friday, we hope to be at Seeheim for her Birthday, or before. —

To-day is Gretchen's 27th B: Day. — I gave her 3 little presents, & two large bouquets. As Pfr. Sell cld. not come, I had Toni from 9-10, & we walked with Gretchen to Feix & to the Herrngarten. Sahen einige Bekannte & Köckritz &c. —

Gräfin Bredo is at Schwalbach, — we saw her husband & Köckr: drive there Saturday midday, & return Sunday evening. — Toni leaves Saturday. She sends you both very many messages. The heat is very great to-day, & I am bursting.
Many tender kisses, from yr ever loving Alicky.

[P. S.] Excuse such a short letter, but have masters in 2 minutes. —

Above: Alix.

Above: Ernst.

Note: "Sahen einige Bekannte & Köckritz &c." = "Saw some acquaintances & Köckritz &c." (referring to Otto von Köckritz, who was Second Lieutenant in the 1st Grand Ducal Hessian Infantry, Life Guards Regiment No. 115)

Gräfin = Countess

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