Saturday, February 6, 2021

Alix's letter to Ernst, dated June 27/July 9, 1889


The Correspondence of the Empress Alexandra of Russia with Ernst Ludwig and Eleonore, Grand Duke and Duchess of Hesse, 1878-1916, edited by Petra H. Kleinpenning, 2010

The letter:

Darling Ernie,
I hasten to send you a few lines before dressing for luncheon, to wh. two ladies are coming.

I have just had my last singing lesson from H. Steinbach, wh. is a great pity, as he gives such good and pleasant ones. Now I must try Fr. Knispel. —

I must not forget to ask Louie for the little Picture we bought at Kiel, to give Irène on the 11th. —

This morning we & Baby were photographed. —

Tebe sends you both again very many messages. — Excuse this mad writing but I am in tremendous heat & haste. —

The concerts on Saturday & yesterday were charming, but very long. — Have you heard of Gleichen's engagement to Paulinchen v. Schenk & of the Gugels, to? —

When are you coming?

To-morrow we leave here, stay over night at Darmstadt, & in the afternoon to Seeheim. Went with Papa to the Dom this morning. — With tender embraces, Ever yr loving Alix.

Above: Alix.

Above: Ernst.

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