Thursday, November 12, 2020

Alix's poem and quotes letter to Nicholas, dated May 2 and 3, 1894


GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK

Additions to this letter:

The poem and quotes letter:

May love and peace, and
Blessings without end.
Wreath all your path like flowers,
Oh, my friend!
And if a thorn should touch you where they grow,
Believe, indeed, I would not have it so. —

Oh, how I long to clasp you to my heart & kiss your dear head, my love, I feel so lonely without you. God bless you, my own one, & may He watch over & keep you safe & let you sleep & dream sweetly. —

I scratched Jaccob head from you, & he called my name.
"I could not do without Thee!
I cannot stand alone:
I have no strength or goodness,
No wisdom of my own.
But thou, beloved Saviour,
Art all in all to me,
And meekness will be power,
If leaning hard on Thee." —

"Nothing so smooths & sweetens life as Prayer." — "Hearts are drawn together by talking of their kindred pursuits, souls by speaking of Heavenly things." — "Have mercy upon those to whom God has sent the bitter trial of seperation from those they love." — "The Lord thy God with thee whithersoever thou goest." —

"Withhold my hands from doing wrong,
My feet from courses vain:
Teach likewise ev'ry other sense
To act an honest part,
But chiefly settle innocence
And pureness in my heart." —


I am too tired to write any more to-night, thо' I long to scribble on, but to-morrow morning I will finish this epistle. Good-night, my own sweet one, my Boysy, my own true love, & God & His Angels watch over you & my prayers & blessings flie to you. —

"And now — abideth faith hope & love these three, but the greatest of these is Love."
(1 Cor. XIII.)

May 3rd. —
Good morning my own Darling Nicky, & how did you sleep? I woke up, imagining myself at Coburg, wh, alas was not the case. It is pouring, & I hear the soldiers tramping to Church. — It is too bad, Madelaine has by mistake packed up your egg with the biscuit, & just when you might have liked them on the journey. — She is doing my hair now, & it is late, so I cannot write much more. —

I should liked to have telegraphed to you, my Darling, on the way, but I fear it might not reach you; but you know my thoughts are with you & that I am longing for you. Bless you sweet one. — Give yr dear Parents & the others my best love, & don't let the haughty first couple grumble so. —

Many a tender kiss I press here & remain with tenderest love.
Ever, Precious Darling,
yr. own little girly
for ever and ever.

Yr. dear photo stands before me, & makes feel me lonely, the dear words on it make me so happy. — I shall write tomorrow from Windsor.

Above: Nicholas and Alix. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

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