Friday, November 6, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Tatiana, dated September 5, 1915


Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

Papa thanks Marie for her letter and says, "too bad about Ortipo."
Cold, rainy. Fondest kisses.
Ts. S. 1915 5/IX

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Tatiana. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Maria. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Tatiana's French bulldog puppy Ortipo. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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