Sunday, November 15, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Madgie Jackson, dated January 8, 1915


The Life and Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna by Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden, 1928

The letter:

January 8th, 1915.
DARLING MADGIE, — I cannot tell you how deeply touched I was that you sent Ella and me those charming books and we thank you heartily, as also for your dear letter. We did not send you any present, not being sure with these abominable times whether a parcel would ever reach you. During your Xmas we were at Moscow — he [Nicholas] was away a month from here and the children and I two weeks. I visited hospitals in 8 towns with my big girls and in Moscow he joined us from the Caucasus and the 3 little ones from Zarskoe.

The result has been that my heart has been so bad again and such weakness — I utterly overtired myself. Nothing is more tiring than visiting heaps of hospitals and speaking by the hour to the poor wounded. So I have not been able to work in the hospital now, which is a great grief to me, as I love the work and find consolation in nursing the sick and binding up their wounds however terrible they may be. And we assist at operations and I always gave the instruments.

We have many hospitals at Zarskoe and now Xmas trees everywhere and the children go instead of us. He has also been in bed with a chill and cough — overtired, but now almost well again. The children are all right, thank God. Winter has been mild here in the North, but now severe cold has set in, but not much snow. Such a sad Xmas, one's thoughts are all at the war. Will send this off now and hope it will reach you safely.
Very tenderest blessings and kisses,
From your fondly loving
P. Q. No. III

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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