Thursday, June 20, 2019

Alix's letter to Nicholas, year 1894

Alix wrote this letter to Nicholas on May 2, 1894.


Transcript and scanned photos of letter courtesy of GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK


N. I. Alix. Darmstadt
April May 2-nd 1894
Wednesday evening 11½
My own precious Darling,
I am lying in bed, but cannot go to sleep before I have written to you as speak alas we cannot.

Oh, how I miss you, it is not to be described & I long for the two hours all alone with you. No good night kiss & blessing, it is hard. But our thoughts will meet won't they? Your dear telegram made my heart rejoice, & have got it is near me. What a delight it will be to find your letter at Windsor. And there you are rattling away in the beastly train, whilst I am comfortable installed in my bed in my own "sweet home".

It reminds me all so much of last week — how glad I am you have been there, & know my rooms a bit. I want you badly. — Our journey went off well & let Schweinfurt we got out for ¾ of an hour, & took tea, then at Würzburg we stopped too, & drove in the town but it was grey & dreary only later the sunset over the Main was glorious.

I wonder how you spent the last hours at Coburg, & whether you kept away from the Rosenau. The little "Tear" is so sweet, but you must not spoil me so, do you hear, my boysy dear?

We have tomorrow already at 11:16 & before a dressmaker comes. — I wish we remained here longer, instead of [...] off again.

"Loin des yeux, mais pres du cœur."

Above: Nicholas and Alix, year 1894.

Note: Loin des yeux, mais pres du cœur = Far from the eyes, but close to the heart.

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