Saturday, November 14, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Madgie Jackson, dated August 19, 1912


The Life and Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna by Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden, 1928

The letter:

August 19, 1912.
DARLING MADGIE, — Loving thanks for yr last dear letter — forgive me for being such a shockingly bad correspondent. I had Victoria's visit for a week, wh. was delightful, and Ella came also for 3 days, and I shall see her again in Moscow. Ernie and family we had in the Crimea, Waldemar came for 3 days on the Standart in Finland, and Irene will come at the end of September to us in Poland, Spala. She was there before, and so we thought she would like to come again after 11 years. Next week we leave for Borodino and Moscow, terribly tiring festivities, don't know how I shall get through them. After Moscow in spring I was for a very long time quite done up — now I am, on the whole, better. What terrible rains and storms you have in England — such a calamity. Here we had colossal heat and scarcely ever a drop of rain.

If you know of any interesting historical books for girls, could you tell me, as I read to them and they have begun reading English for themselves. They read a great deal of French and the 2 youngest acted out of the Bourg. Gentilhomme and really so well, make Victoria tell you all about it. Four languages is a lot, but they need them absolutely, and this summer we had Germans and Swedes, and I made all 4 lunch and dine, as it is good practice for them.

I have begun painting flowers, as alas have had to leave singing and playing as too tiring.

Must end. Goodbye and God bless and keep you.
A tender kiss fr. Yr. fondly
Loving old P. Q. No. III,

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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