Thursday, November 12, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated January 30, 1915, and Nicholas' telegram, dated January 31, 1915


The letter:

No. 43
Tsarskoje Selo, Jan. 30-th 1915
My own beloved One,
This is probably my last letter to you. So interesting all the news of Sebastopol, I regret not being with you. How interesting all you saw, you will have a lot to tell us. Thank God so few wounded. But it must have seemed to you like a dream going out in the steamlaunch round the squadron — & so emotioning — God bless the dears & may he give them success. The darkness at night must be rather uncanny I should say. — Alas! the news fr. East Prussia are not so good & we have had to go back for a second time — well we shall have all our forces stronger together then — I just read a very interesting letter Sonia received fr. Lindenbaum, thanking for the things we sent. He loves his regiment which only exists half a year — Korotojaktsi, I think; he was in Prussia, & wrote the 22-d whilst battles were going on. — Nikolasha sent Petia here to look after his leg — Karpinsky thinks it has been contusioned & so must be treatened according; but Petia cannot imagine when it happened as he felt no pain for ages. — Alek has a stiff back & so could not come & sent Petia with papers, & I gave him mine, & Viltchkovsky to help him explain all. — Then I had Rost: & B. Witte about Xenia's committee. In the morning I came to a Te Deum before the Image at Znam. wh. was nice — then I did several dressing's & sat with Ania — our Friend's girls came there to see us. Her throat is much better, 37.1 — but last night 38.5 — dont know why. I did not go, as too tired. — She speaks in an extinguished voice & is dull poor soul, scarcely opened her mouth, except to eat, wh. she did well. Her poor back is sore again from lying. To-day its 4 weeks. — I must go this evening, as did not see all the wounded. To-morrow we have an operation. No sun to-day for the first time. —

Now goodbye & God bless you my Sunshine. I kiss you very tenderly & lovingly, longingly, Ever yr. own old

Nicholas' telegram:

Telegram. Ekaterinoslav. 31 January, 1915.
Sincere thanks for sweet letter and two telegrams. I am very pleased with my cordial reception. Have inspected two splendid hospitals. The weather is still sunny. In the course of the day I shall inspect the Briansky arms factory.
I embrace all closely.

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra.

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