Thursday, November 12, 2020

Alix's letter to Ernst, dated May 21/June 2, 1889


The Correspondence of the Empress Alexandra of Russia with Ernst Ludwig and Eleonore Grand Duke and Duchess of Hesse 1878-1916, edited by Petra H. Kleinpenning, 2010

The letter:

Darling Ernie,
A dead-beat fly is scrawling these lines to you, whilst lying on the Sopha; — with my dressingcape &c on. The heat is really tremendous, & I am like a spunge, & therefore you must excuse this bad writing, nebenbei. I have got a table on my laying on my lap, with a box on it, & on the top of this tower I am writing. — The band is playing, the drums are beating, & the squirel is sleeping & Gretchen is working. — This morning we went to Church, & then Papa walked all in white. Now I think he is resting, at last I intreated him to do so. —

He told me yesterday, that he had heard that the poor little Arrangement had had tiphoed, but now I think she is well, the dear. I shall write & enquire about her, from Xenia, & then tell you. —

I sent Ella the Happy Family, as Victoria begged me to, & she was delighted with them. — The eldest Montenegrin is engaged to Petjush (U. Nisy's 2nd son). They are very happy.

Tebe sends you both many messages. Did Pebe get the Flowers all right? —

Oh! the heat! I am smelting! How are you getting on, poor Dear? Not too tired & hot, I trust. Will you be here soon? On the 6th, or when? — Bless you. I am so longing for you! — Do you like your Gentleman? —

Oppenheim was very nice, only so hot. We went by rail, & returned by water, yesterday. We went on a sord of Steamlaunch, welches zur Verfügung gestellt is, & I hope we shall go to-day. To-night we dine with the Kommandant. On Wednesday evening there is a Rheinfahrt, Beleuchtung &c.
With 1000 tender kisses, I am, Dearest Ernie, Dear, yr loving Alicky.

[P. S.] Papa send love.

Above: Alix.

Above: Ernst.

Notes: nebenbei = by the way

"welches zur Verfügung gestellt is" = "which is made available"

Rheinfahrt = a trip on the Rhine river

Beleuchtung = illumination

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