Thursday, November 12, 2020

Alexandra's telegram to Xenia, dated October 21, 1897


GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK

Alexandra sent this telegram to her sister-in-law, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna, on October 21, 1897.

The telegram:

ИМПЕРАТОРСКИЙ телеграф в Ай-Тодоре
Телеграмма N66.
"53" слов.
Подана в Царском Селе 21 Октября 1897 г. 12 ч. 35 м. по пд
Получена в Ай-Тодоре 21 Октября 1897 г. 2 ч. 12 м. по пд

Tender thanks telegram were so sad yesterday prayed for you all near his tomb thoughts run back to those terrible days in the Crimea but this day united us yet more together glorious weather happy home again though sad leaving Darmstadt children well fondest. Kisses from Niki.

Above: Alix.

Above: Xenia.

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