Sunday, November 22, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated February 28, 1915


My very own One,
It was sad seeing you go off in the train all alone, & my heart ached. — Well I went straight to Ania for 10 minutes & then we worked in the hospital till 1. After luncheon we received 6 officers who return to the army — those wh. we had sent to the Crimea look splendid, round & brown. — Then little John called Olga to the telephone to tell her, that poor Struve is killed — he is awfully sad, because he was his great friend. He told J. that if he should fall in war, he was to be sure to tell you, that he had never once taken off his aschelbant since you gave them to him — poor, kind, cheery, handsome boy! His body is being brought back. Then I went to the big palace & sat for some time with the worst, I took the lovely postcards of Livadia to show & they were greatly admired — then the Children joined me & we went through all the wards. — I shall go for a little to church, it does one good; that and work, looking after those brave fellows, are one comfort. In the evening we shall go to Ania — she finds I am too little with her, wants me to sit longer, (& alone) but we have not much to speak of — with the wounded one always can. —

My Angel, I must finish because the messenger has to leave. —

I bless & kiss you over & over again, my Nicky dear — a lonely night awaits us.
Ever yr. very own

The Children kiss you very much. Hope tiny Admiral "behaves" himself. —

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Nicholas. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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