Sunday, November 15, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Madgie Jackson, dated March 26, 1915


The Life and Tragedy of Alexandra Feodorovna by Baroness Sophie Buxhoeveden, 1928

The letter:

March 26th, 1915.
MY DARLING MADGIE, — I hope this letter will reach you by Easter, it is to bring you my tender love and blessings. We feast it the same time this year, I am glad to say — I do hope there will be no fighting for a few days then, it would be hard.

There is so much to do, tho' I am lying since a week again — overtired my heart and strength — so despairing when one wants to be useful, not only with the brain.

We have cold sunny days, masses of snow. The fall of Peremishel [Przemyśl] was such a Godsend, as it kept so many of our troops occupied which will now be free to throw elsewhere. It is interesting to have that old Russian town back again. ...

All are busy sending off Easter parcels with linen, eggs, Koulitch (bread one specially bakes for Easter), tobacco, sweets, writing paper, candles, etc., and a little Image always for them to wear. I have several 100 of letters of thanks for our presents all these months.

Must end now.
A tender kiss fr. yr. loving old
P. Q. No. III

Ella is well — have not met since Dec.

Above: Alexandra.

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