Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 2: Engagement and Marriage, 1894, page 8, by George Hawkins, 2023
The letter:
My own precious Darling,
I am going to scribble you these few lines wh you can read when I am gone. Oh, it is too hard to have to leave and be seperated for such a time but you will write often, won't you? That will be a little comfort, but I shall miss my Darling's kisses. I don't know what I shall do without you. What a joy these days have been and I thank you over and over again for all your goodness and love. To possess such a love is truly a benediction.
"We meet not hand to hand 'tis true, as other days have seen us, but nought could keep my thoughts from you, though a world should lie between us."
You won't forget to speak to yr Father about what I asked, that I have not to abschwören my old belief. Darling, you will make it easy for me, won't you? It will be hard you know, but with God's help I shall learn to love your Religion and trie to be a better Christian — with you by my side, all will be easier. Oh, if you only knew how deeply I love and respect you my Boysy dear. God bless you and protect you. Kiss all your dear Ones at home from me and thank all again fervently for their presents and eggs they so kindly sent me — it was too touching.
Yr own old for ever and ever
Above: Nicholas and Alix.
Note: abschwören = to abjure.
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