Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 320 to 321, by George Hawkins, 2023
The letter:
Palais Edinburg, Coburg
April 21st 1894
My darling Auntie,
I must send you a few lines to tell you how intensely happy I am. Such loving thanks for your letter, which touched me deeply. It has been a fearfully hard strugle, but with God's help I hope I may learn to love my darling Nicky's Religion, and make him a true, loving and honest wife. I cannot say all that is in my heart, but you can imagine, Auntie dear, what my feelings are. He is much too good for me. We went to the Thanksgiving Service yesterday to-gether, now they are all in Church.
We are going for a night to Darmstadt, as Ernie and Ducky must see us in our happiness and I am longing to go and say a prayer at the graves of my beloved Parents. At such a moment it is so especially hard not to have them and to be without their blessing. But Auntie dear, you will love me a little bit, for sweet Nicky's sake, won't you? I love you already so dearly.
I cannot write any more to-day.
Goodbye, darling Auntie, and kissing your dear hand and Uncle Sacha's most tenderly, I remain,
Your very loving and affecti[onate] Niece,
Above: Nicholas and Alix.
Above: Marie Feodorovna.
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