Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 327 to 328, by George Hawkins, 2023
The letter:
April 30th 1894
My darling little Xenia,
I send you my most tender thanks for the sweet little egg and lovely little brooch. I was deeply touched at yr having thought of me. The others are all in Church and I am sitting alone, so use the opportunity for writing to my Chicken.
Alas! only two days and then we part, I feel miserable at the idea — but what can't be cured must be endured. You are to be envied seeing Sandro every day, and I shall not see my Nicky for over a month.
I cannot describe my happiness O it is too great and I can only thank God on my knees for having guided me thus. And what an angel the dear Boy is, how glad you will be to have him back again. You will write to me some times, won't you, if Sandro is not the whole day with you. Give him my love.
We went for a drive yesterday in the rain, but not to the Rosenau, to-day I have no doubt we shall go there. I am going to spend a night at Darmstadt on my way to England so shall see the young couple again — they look so happy and content, but it does seem too funny Ernie being married.
It is so damp to-day that I have had to have a fire made.
Now enough for to-day. With many a loving kiss I remain
Ever yr very loving old Hen
Above: Alix.
Above: Xenia.
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