Thursday, August 1, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated August 27, 1901

Alexandra wrote this letter to Nicholas on August 27, 1901.


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 3: The Young Empress, 1895-1905
, pages 122 to 123, by George Hawkins, 2024

A Lifelong Passion, letters and diary entries compiled by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko

The letter:

No. 159
Aug 27th 1901
My own precious One,
I want you to find these lines when we are separated so as that you may feel Wify is is near to you. My thoughts and earnest prayers will follow you all the time, Mr. P...'s too, I know, and that is one comfort to me, as otherwise our parting would be too awful. The idea of having to part makes me wretched, but God grant we shall soon be together again — your sweet kisses — how I shall yearn for them. We have been so lucky that we are always to-gether, only it makes every separation harder to bear. Don't forget, Saturday evening towards 10.30 — all our thoughts will fly to Lyon then. How rich life is since we know him and everything seems easier to bear.

Give my love to U. Alexei, Willy and Henry please. Sweet precious Nicky, how I love you, there are no words to say how much. Thank you sweet angel for all the love you show me. I shall look well after our four tinies, they will be my comforters. I am better off than you in this case.

I love you, love you, and cover your precious face with tenderest burning kisses. God bless and protect you and keep you from all harm.

Oh, how hard to part — fare well, sweety, my Nicky, my very own Boy to whom I cling with every fibre.
I kiss you, kiss you +
Ever yr own old

Maylunas' and Mironenko's transcript of the letter:

My own precious One,
I want you to find these lines when we are separated so as that you may feel Wify is near to you. My thoughts and earnest prayers will follow you all the time. Mr P's too I know and that is one comfort to me, as otherwise our parting would be too awful.

The idea of having to part makes me wretched, but God grant we shall soon be together again — your sweet kisses — how I shall yearn for them. We have been so lucky that we are always together, only it makes every separation harder to bear.

Don't forget Saturday evening towards 10.30 — all our thoughts will fly to Lyons then. How rich life is since we know him and everything seems easier to bear.

Give my love to Uncles Alexei, Willy and Henry please. Sweet precious Nicky, how I love you, there are no words to say how much. Thank you sweet angel for all the love you show me. I shall look well after our four tinies, they will be my comforters, I am better off than you in this case. I love you, love you and cover your precious face with tenderest burning kisses. God bless and protect you and keep you from all harm. Oh, how hard to part — fare well, sweety, my Nicky, my very own Boy, to whom I cling with every fibre. I kiss you, kiss you ever your own old

Above: Alexandra, year 1901. Photo courtesy of Tatiana Z on Flickr.

Above: Nicholas. Photo courtesy of Tatiana Z on Flickr.

Above: The little Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia with nannies, year 1901.

Note: Mr. P... = Monsieur Philippe (Nizier Anthelme Philippe) — a renowned healer and miracle worker of the late 19th century.

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