Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, year 1907

Alexandra wrote this letter to Nicholas on July 17, 1907. He replied on July 20.


A Lifelong Passion, letters and diary entries compiled by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko

The letters:

Alexandra's letter:

My own beloved One,
You will find this note when you are on your way already. God bless and keep you, my own sweetest Treasure and bring you safely back to me and your little Ones. I know how deeply you will feel the separation from baby sweet — and he too will be lonely without his darling Papa.

It's not easy letting you go — I do not like bidding you goodbye, my Own One tho' distance makes nothing really, when one loves. The souls and hearts are together and nothing can part them ever. I am glad you have those nice boys on board to remind you of last year — to see fresh faces and hear others talk will rest you, I have no doubt. I so hope everything will go smoothly and with no hitches or unpleasant talks — Gr[igory] watches over this journey and all will be well.

So sad that we were not together alone today — my stupid neck and then people. Lovy mine I shall look after your Sunbeam and guard him for you carefully.

Goodbye my husband, my One and all. Holy Angels hover around you. God's blessing be upon you. Tenderly and fondly with an aching heart — I kiss you — every sweet little spot I love so passionately. For ever your very own

Nicholas's letter:

My own beloved Darling,
I thank you from all my heart for your sweet letter. It touched me deeply, I read it before going to bed and it did me such good. I feel quite lonely by myself down in the cabins. The doors to yours are open and I look into them often, always thinking I will find my Wify. I miss you and the children frightfully, so do all the officers!

Yesterday the weather was lovely till the night, the sea was a looking-glass ... about 2 in the night we came into the Baltic and then we rolled rather strongly. I could not get to sleep for a long time, it reminded me so of that night in the North Sea before Dunkirk. Those hours I was pleased you were not on board. We slackened speed until the morning when it became quieter — then we again went quicker. When I came on deck I saw that all my gentlemen were gay and well.

After luncheon it began again to be rough, but now everyone is accustomed to the rolling. Lots of the young sailors were sick, but not the singer boys. I walk much on deck and have long talks with each separately. At table, Fredericks sits at your place and Izvolsky on my left. The latter tells me lots of interesting things. I send occasional winks to the boys at the other end and see broad smiles in answer. The sky is grey over the sea with its white crested waves. I do hope the weather will get fine for the meeting. This afternoon's colder than it was in our home waters.

Sweetie, dear, how I miss you and the children!

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra with their children, year 1907.

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