Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Olga, year 1905

Alexandra wrote this letter to her eldest daughter Olga in 1905.


A Lifelong Passion, letters and diary entries compiled by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko

The letter:

Sweet child,
I kiss you and thank you tenderly for your little notes. I'm sorry I could not see you alone, but it's difficult these days. Soon I shall be freer, and then you can tell us all, and everything that interests you. You see, I am generally very tired and therefore often don't keep you all for a very long time with us, and often very sad and don't want you to see my gloomy face.

Above: Alexandra.

Above: Olga. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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