Thursday, August 1, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Xenia, dated November 7, 1901

Alexandra wrote this letter to her sister-in-law Xenia on November 7, 1901, about her brother Ernst's divorce from his wife, Victoria Melita.


A Lifelong Passion, letters and diary entries compiled by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko

The letter:

Darling Chicken,
It is with a very heavy heart that I write to you today. Yes dear, it is true, Ducky wishes to be divorced and in a few days all will be finally settled. It nearly broke my heart when I got the news, it was so quite unexpected, I always hoped that in time things would come right. It is too long and too painful to write about. They have parted friends and each wrote to me saying of the other that they were the truest of friends and would always remain so. Only with her character married life thus was impossible to continue. It is not for us to judge tho' it is an awful step they are taking — when we meet again it will be easier to talk about than write. Only one thing I entreat of you, darling Xenia, whenever you hear nasty gossip, at once put a stop to it, for their sakes and ours. They parted as their characters could impossibly get on together, that is enough for the public.

She will not be missed in the country, as she never made herself beloved nor showed any liking for the country, alas! Poor girl, she is utterly miserable now without a home, tho' he leaves her the sweet Child. His home is desolate and everything will remind him of her whom he still cares for.

But I cannot write any more about it; you can think how we sisters who adore him and are very fond of her, have suffered. But we must believe that always all is for the best. You will not judge them harshly dear, my poor unhappy ones. It is doubly hard beginning 'society' life again when all know that one's brother and sister in law have gone asunder. All one's pride is crushed out of one.
A good kiss from your old Hen

Above: Alexandra.

Above: Xenia.

Above: Ernst and Victoria Melita ("Ducky").

Above: Ernst's and Victoria Melita's daughter, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine.

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