Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Olga, dated August 4, 1905

Alexandra wrote this letter to her eldest daughter Olga on August 4, 1905.


A Lifelong Passion, letters and diary entries compiled by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko

The letter:

Darling little Olga,
Papa and Auntie Olga have gone for a walk in the lovely woods; my old legs hurt too much to walk, so I remained at home. Now the train has at last stopped. We got quite soaked this morning; my new waterproof cape was wet through. We saw lots of soldiers; cavalry, infantry and artillery. The country is very pretty.

Whilst we were standing about in a village, the peasants came round us and began talking. One woman asked me how you four were and where I had left you. Was it not kind of her? Others gave us bread and salt and picked the nicest flowers they could find in their gardens. I am sewing away hard for the bazaar. Lots of trains pass us, all very long. An old lady of 98 came to see us this morning, and brought bread, salt — she lives close by and we want to pay her a visit if we have time. Aunt Olga has painted a very pretty postcard of Sarov and is going to have it printed.

I wonder how you all are. I feel so sad without my sweet little girlies. Be sure to be very good and remember, elbows off the table, sit straight and eat your meat nicely. I kiss you all very tenderly, and Sofia too. Goodbye, darling child, and God bless you. Ever your loving old
Mama +

Above: Alexandra in the uniform of her Uhlan regiment.

Above: Nicholas.

Above: Olga Alexandrovna, Nicholas's sister.

Above: Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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