Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Maria, year 1907

Alexandra wrote this letter to her third daughter Maria on December 30, 1907. (Today (June 26, 2019) is the 120th anniversary of Maria's birth).


Transcript and photos of letter courtesy of GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK


Dec. 30th 1907. Ц. С.
My darling little Marie,
I hope you will be able to read this letter all alone, tho' it is in English. Many thanks for yr. nice letter.

I am delighted that you are all so much better. — God grant I shall soon see you all again. I am going to have quite a party in my bedroom to luncheon; Papa, Olga & Anastasia; is it not grand?

My headache has quite passed, but the head feels still rather tired. —

Now I must read the Bible & prayers, as I do not go to Church. I hope you & Tatiana do so too. —

Very fondest kisses, my little girly dear, fr. yr. loving old
Mama. —

God bless you. —

Above: Alexandra with Maria.

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