Sunday, June 23, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Tatiana, dated January 24, 1909

Alexandra wrote this letter to Tatiana on January 24, 1909.


Transcript and photo of letter courtesy of GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK


For Tatiana

Jan. 24. 1909
My darling Tatiana,
Very tender kisses & thanks for your dear letter. —

Thats a dear you pray for old Mama perhaps God may — make her better — but sometimes He send illness for the good of ones soul. You only be as good as you can & don't cause me any anxiety, then I shall be quiet as & cannot go upstairs to see how the lessons are going to see if you are behaving talking. —
A good hug fr. yr. loving old
Mama +

Above: Alexandra with Tatiana.

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