Saturday, June 8, 2019

Alix's letter to Marie Feodorovna, dated April 18/30, 1894

Alix wrote this letter to her future mother-in-law, Empress Marie Feodorovna of Russia, née Princess Dagmar of Denmark (1847-1928), thanking her for presents given and telling her about how much she loves and cares about "Nicky".


A Lifelong Passion, letters compiled by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko, 1992

Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, pages 328 to 329, by George Hawkins, 2023

Image of the first page of the letter courtesy of Alena Dufková, at her Imperial Russia blog on Tumblr.

Date of letter: April 18 (O.S.)/30 (N.S.), 1894
Place written: Palais Edinburg, at Coburg, Germany


Darling Motherdear,
Nicky tells me I may call you so, oh, thank you so much — you are too kind and good to me. How can I thank you and dear Uncle enough for the magnificent present you were so awfully kind as to send me. It is much too beautiful for me! It gave me quite a shock when I opened up the case — saw those beautiful stones. I thank you ever so much for it, and kiss your hands most tenderly.

I feel so proud to have your lovely order, and am most grateful and thankful for it, and the sweet egg and dear letter — all touched me deeply.

Only two days still, and then darling Nicky and I have to part, it makes me feel miserable, but I am sure that his little Motherdear is longing for him. You will let him come to England this summer, won't you, because it would be too hard to be parted so long, and Grandmama is looking forward to his visit so much. He has quite won her heart, as he has of all those who know him. He is in Church now, and whilst he is kneeling there, my thoughts and prayers are with him. With God's help I will soon learn to love his Religion too, and I am sure he will help me. But I will not bother you with a long letter.
With very fondest love to dear Father, I am, Darling little Motherdear,
Your deeply affectionate and Dutiful Child, Alix

Above: Alix, year 1894.

Above: "Nicky", year 1893.

Above: Marie Feodorovna, year 1890.

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