Thursday, June 20, 2019

Alix's letter to Nicholas, dated March 17/29, 1889

Alix wrote this letter to Nicholas on March 17 (Old Style date), 1889.


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, page 56, by George Hawkins, 2023

Transcript and scanned photos of letter courtesy of GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK


Friday Darmstadt
March 17/29 1889
Dearest Nicky,
So many thanks for your Note enclosed in Xenia's letter. It was so good of you to write, & it gave me great pleasure. —

My mad letter amused you then all — well I have been cracked enough to write another.

We went last night to see the "Rhein-Gold" & I hope next week to see the "Walküre" & "Siegfried". —

But now I must say Goodbye, as I am going out driving,
Ever your loving

Many messages to the Weeping Willow. —

We have quite warm weather.

Papa & Ernie are gone out shooting now. —

Above: Alix, year 1889.

Above: Nicholas, late 1880s.

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