Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Alix's letter to Ernie, dated December 13, 1886

Fourteen year old Alix wrote the following letter to her brother Ernst ("Ernie") on December 13, 1886, the eve of the eighth anniversary of their mother's death.


Neues Palais
Dec. 13th /86
Darling Ernie,
A little line for you, dear old boy. — What a sad day to-morrow will be for dear Papa & us, & dear Grandmama. I wish you were with us in the morning, for driving to the Rosenhöhe, I shall think of you, dear Ella & Irène.

I hope I shall see you to-morrow, at some time.

To-day I did not see you any where. —

You will be astonished to get the letter, I am sure, but as I do not see you much, I want you at least to hear from me.

God bless and protect you, my old darling, & let us all try to be what dear Mama wanted us. 8 years it will be tomorrow. —

Now goodnight deary, sleep well, & think of your loving & true little

Many kisses for you. —

Good night!

Good morning!

Above: Alix and Ernst, year 1885.

Note, 1-29-24: This letter has been published in Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 1: Princess of Hesse, 1872-1893, by George Hawkins, 2023.

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