Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Alix's letter to Ernst, dated May 27, 1889

Alix wrote this letter to her brother Ernest on May 27, 1889.


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The letter:

Darling Ernie,
I must really write to you & this time also on some paper Tebe* gave me the other day. — She had made it at the Fair, the monogramms I mean, as they can do my sort of Monogramm you like, & very quickly. This was the only way she could get notepaper with Aeta* on it. — She sends you very many messages, and also Pebe*. Please send the enclosed envelope with the flowers to him. — She would like to tell him also that she picked the green on the 12th, and that the other flowers were brought to her house on that day. —

I payed her twice a visit, the last week & brought her once flowers. I had picked with Gretchen* at the Prince Emil's Garden. — That same afternoon Gretchen & I drove to Jugenheim, & returned after Supper. A beautiful warm day. Papa was then at Munich. — On Friday we spent the day there & Aunt Vicky, the cousins & Tino also. — We arrived here Saturday afternoon. Reception, 100 officers, your Hpt Kraatze also. — Vorbeimarsch. — I live in the rooms Victoria & Ella had in 81, to the left of the Saal.

Last night there was a Dinner 5 Ladies, & Gentlemen. Shy work, & I had to speak such a lot to those good Ladies. I dish wish for one of you still for the beginning, but afterwards got it all right. — Tomorrow the Bishopp & other Clergey come, also in the evening. This morning Papa drove me from 8-10, we went to Wiesbaden. The heat is tremendous, & so the only thing is to go out before Breakfast, or in the evening. We can only drive because of Papa's knee.

I hope you are getting on nicely, & don't suffer too much under the heat. U. Henry and Abby lunched here yesterday — I heard from Xenia to-day and entre autre she told me that she is going to wear a long dress & train, St Catherines ribbon & star for Paul's Wedding. I should like to see her.

With a long kiss, Ever Darling Ernie Dear, Yr  Most loving Sunny

[P. S.] How nice for A. Beatrice having a little boy. How do you like your Gentleman. I write with a simple white envelope, because the black edged ones are too small for enclosing the Flowers in.

Above: Alix and Ernie, year 1889.

Notes: Tebe = Toni Becker

Aeta = the AETA Club (Alix, Ernest, Toni and Alexander [Baron von Frankenburg und Ludwigsdorf)

Pebe = the abovementioned Alexander

Gretchen = Margarethe "Gretchen" von Fabrice

"Vorbeimarsch" = parade

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