Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Maria, year 1910

Alexandra wrote this letter to her then ten year old third daughter Maria on March 11, 1910.


Transcript and photos of letter courtesy of GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK


Thursday. March 11th 1910.
My darling little Marie,
Your letter made me quite sad. Sweet Child you must promise me never again to think that nobody loves you. How did such an extraordinary idea get into your little head?

Get it quickly out again. We all love you very tenderly, only when too wild & naughty and wont listen, then must be scolded; but to scold, does not mean that one does not love, on the contrary, one does it so as that you may cure your faults & improve. —

You generally keep away from the others, think that you are in the way, & remain alone with Trine in stead of being with them. They imagine then that you do not want to be with them; now you are getting a big girl it is good that you should be more with them.

Now do not think any more about it, and remember that you are just as precious & dear as the other 4 & that we love you with all our heart.

God bless you Darling Child. I kiss you ever so tenderly.
Yr. loving old
Mama +

Above: Alexandra with Maria.

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