Sunday, June 23, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Maria, year 1910

Alexandra wrote this letter to her third daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, on February 4, 1910.


Transcript and photo of letter courtesy of GARF (State Archives of the Russian Federation) via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK


Feb. 4. 1910. Ц. С.
Sweet little Marie,
Your tiny letter touched me very much. Certainly you can hang the ring up at the Immage. I shall keep it for you, & then we can think over when & how to do it. —

Sleep well. God bless you try always to love Him above all & to be a good, patient little girl and try never to be disobedient.
I kiss you very tenderly.
Your own Mama +

Above: Alexandra with Maria.

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