Thursday, July 25, 2019

Alexandra's letter to Ernst, dated June 28/July 10, 1895

Alexandra wrote this letter to her brother Ernst on July 10 (Old Style date June 28), 1895.


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The letter:

Darling Ernie dear,
By the time this letter reaches England, I suppose you will have returned from Aldershot, where I saw by the papers that you were going. Last year Grandmama took Nicky & me, & we enjoyed it immensely. It was such fun spending the night in the pavillion, & the dinner with all the generals in a room like a tent, & Granny heading the table — it looked so curious. — If you only have fine weather for the review. —

I believe I am spelling impossibly to-day, if so, kindly forgive your naughty Sunny. — At last it is clearing up again, for two days we have had a storm, howling wing, pouring rain & high waves. — The Schauerbock with wife & Mavra lunched here yesterday, & I asked him lots about Adolf, the Regent! — What did you say to Plençon at the Sate Concert? Did he sing well? — I play very little now, I miss you & Gretchen with whom I played such a lot. Sometimes I strum away in the afternoon a bit & croak away — I fear I am going backwards shockingly. —

I wish you could see this little room, it is too sweet & cozy. — To-day it is Wednesday, so I get no German & English papers, owing to Sunday. — Do you return straight to the Wolfsgarten, & does Zwilling turn up too? — Nicky has still a great deal to do — for nearly two hours he sat with his Siberian comitty this afternoon, & in the morning he had ministers & receptions, & as soon as he does not walk enough, he gets quite pale. —

For over a month I have heard nothing from Ella, tho' she lives in the same country, & from you neither, but I know how you hate writing; only if you could manage to send me a tiny note you would make me unspeakably happy. I long to know how you are. — It is so sad suddenly hearing nothing from one with whom one has been so much to-gether & whom one dearly loves, & whose interests are as one's own. I miss you my old Ernie dear & long to hear direct from you about your life & projects of wh. you have, I am sure, a lot. —

But enough for to-day. Kissing you & darling Ducky, I remain, Beloved Ernie dear, yr deeply devoted & tenderly loving old Sister Sunny.

[P. S.] Don't you crave for your Baby.

Above: Alexandra in court dress, year 1895. Photo courtesy of Tatiana Z on Flickr.

Above: Ernest.

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