Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Alix's diary entries from January 11 to 13, 1889


Transcripts and photos of scans of diary pages courtesy of GARF via Olga Grigor'eva at lastromanovs on VK.


The diary entries:

At 8 Pfarrer Sell. Ernie perhaps a little better. Papa slept till shortly before 2. Breakfast at 9, then went for a walk with Gretchen, past the Grosse W[?], A. Hospital Mauer Ptr. Herrngarten & home. Lessons. Luncheon. Drove with Gretchen. Tea. Music lesson with Frl. v. Bechtold. Went to Ernie, where found, Victoria, Louis, Marie, Gustav, Alexi, Victor & Edda. Then I went to Papa, as A Fr. came to Ernie. — Looked at a book, drew, wrote this. —

1 of frost. — Heard from Ella.


1/° of frost
Breakfast at 9. — Papa — Rapport. Ernie is getting better, — can be up for Luncheon — till after Supper. — T, Gretchen, Toni, Victoria B, Carola & Matilde v. d. H. scated this morning on the Prince Emil's Pond. I had not been on the ice since Jan. 1887.

Lessons. Luncheon at 2. Then went for a drive with Gretchen.

Music. Preparations. Tea. — Preperations. Then Ernie came, & we three played Oracle till 8. — Papa at a Vorlesung. — Sandro came, & stayed for Supper. —

To bed at about 10. —
(Ask about A's Poem for T's picture).


3/° of frost
Breakfast at 9. Papa & Ernie only got up late. — I went with Gretchen to the Martins Kirche — a good sermon (Hochzeitsmahl — Wasser zu Wein verwandelt) by a young Clergyman from Mainz. — Returned home by the Promenade. Called on Marie W., who was not at home. Wrote. Painted. Played 4 hands with Gretchen. Then Family luncheon, to wh. Marie, Gustav, Alexi, Sandro, U. Henry & U. William came. Then painted a Photo, then wrote. —

Above: Alix. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

Notes: Vorlesung = university lecture.

Hochzeitsmahl — Wasser zu Wein verwandelt = Wedding feast — water turned into wine.

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