Friday, April 17, 2020

Alexandra's prayer, written January 11, 1918


This prayer was found written on a postcard that Alexandra sent to Alexander Syroboiarsky, dated January 11, 1918. She likely wrote this prayer to comfort herself and her family in the hopes of gaining the strength to pray for and forgive their enemies. The prayer was written because the family's guards during their house arrest in Tobolsk began to be very insulting and disrespectful toward the family, who sought strength and comfort in their deep, strong religious faith.

The prayer:

O Lord, send us patience
During these dark, tumultuous days
To stand the people's persecution
And the tortures of our executioners.

Give us strength, O God so righteous
To forgive our neighbor's wickedness
And to greet the bloody, heavy cross
With Your meekness.

In these days of mutinous unrest
When our enemies rob us,
Christ the Savior, help us
Bear insult and disgrace.

Lord of the world, God of the universe,
Bless us with prayer
And grant peace to the humble soul
In this unbearable and fearful hour.

And at the threshold of the grave
Breathe a power that is beyond man
Into the lips of Your slaves
To pray meekly for their enemies.

Above: Alexandra.

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