Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Ernst, dated April 2/14, 1898

Alexandra wrote this letter to her brother Ernst on April 2/14, 1898.


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The letter:

My Ernie Darling,
Last night I received your precious letter, it was a delightful surprise to me, & I thank you for it very tenderly. It was a great comfort, receiving it just before confession, & the Holy Communion this morning. The Babies were so good. — I prayed earnestly for you both, that God might bless & comfort you, & bring you closer to-gether with strong, trusting love & devotion. May He give you strength & health, Ernie Darling. Be sure to do all the Drs tell you, no matter how tiresome it may be — your whole happiness depends upon it & with perseverance & patience & leading a regular, healthy life, all must come well in time. — I hope that the little trip to Italy benefited you, but you must be happy to get back to your sweet Wife and Child. —

Only since a few days I begin to write again, as one has to be so careful with one's eyes after the measles. I was very ill with one complication after the other, & I still have a pain in my side. Walked I have five times, & driven once in a shut carriage. The sun is bright but there is a cold wind, so I have to take care not to cough again. It is such a nuisance looking after oneself, but when one is married it is one's duty. The Reskys have been singing in Lent, I could only listen through the telephone. — Aunt Minny returns to-day from Copenhagen & Misha & Olga from Gatchina. — Poor U. Alfred must have been seriously ill, I trust he will recover quick, soon. — The Aunts have been to see him often & Grandmama too. —

Alas I hear from all sides that Missy is leading a strange life in the south, constant parties & expeditions with people out of a lower, unknown society, & that she dresses very loudly. All pitty & are sorry for her, so pretty, young & leading such a life, going to a ball, where decent people cannot be seen & dressing like certain odd women. — Poor little thing, I wish she had a more sensible & severe husband to prevent her foolishness. — It comes all from her bringing up — always the beauty, the painter & told in her face — whereas Ducky, who is a thousand times more handsome & clever & deep — she was out & never looked at. How can parents have favourites & when a girl is pretty & vain they ought not to tell it her. — The 15/27 we shall be at last returning to Zarskoe. —

I cannot write anymore now. I kiss you three ever so tenderly & remain yr deeply loving Sunny.

[P.S.] On the 19th our thoughts will be very much with you two & our tender prayers for great happiness.

Above: Alexandra.

Above: Ernst with his wife Princess Victoria Melita (Ducky).

Above: Princess Elisabeth, Ernst's daughter and Alexandra's niece.

Above: Marie Feodorovna (Minny), Alexandra's mother-in-law, with her youngest children, Xenia, Mikhail (Misha) and Olga.

Above: Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Alexandra's and Ernst's uncle.

Above: Queen Victoria, Alexandra's and Ernst's grandmother.

Above: Victoria Melita's sister, Princess Marie (Missy) of Edinburgh, future Queen of Romania.

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