Friday, April 24, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Maria, dated December 29, 1907


Ilya Grigoryev at sledstvie on Instagram

The letter:

29 Dec. 1907.
My darling Maria.
Big kiss. I hope your head doesn't ache anymore. It's awfully sad that you four are ill and I cannot be with you — everything is so quiet without you. Papa & Olga are reading — I just finished my cocoa & started knitting a blanket. 'Lulu & Leander' are lying on the couch and looking at me sadly — 'where are the merry children who admire us?' — Rags & a shawl are resting in the basket — no one is to play with them. The blocks are talking to each other wondering why they are forgotten, but the pillows are glad that they can rest & won't be crumpled & torn by the holiday. Good night, sleep well & get better soon.
Your loving old

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Maria.

Note: Alexandra refers to The Love of Lulu and Leander, a comic strip by F. M. Howarth that was published in the New York American newspaper from 1902 to 1906 or 1907.

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