Saturday, April 25, 2020

Alexandra's diary entry of April 12/25, 1918


mashkaromanova on Tumblr

The entry:

Baby had a better night 36°.
9:00-10:00 Anastasia: Isaiah 38-42.
Sat with Baby. Played cards & worked.
12:15-1:00 Maria: J. Sirach 18-26.
After luncheon the Com. Yakovlev came as I wanted to arrange about the walk to Church for Passion Week. Instead of that he announced by the order of his government (Bolsheviks) that he has to take us all away (to where?) Seeing as Baby is too ill wished to take Nicholas alone (if not willing then obliged to use force) I had to decide to stay with ill Baby or accompany him. Settled to accompany him as can be of more need & too risky not knowing where & for what. (we imagine Moscow) Horrible suffering. Marie comes with us, Olga will look after Baby, Tatiana the household & Anastasia will cheer all up. Take Valia, Niuta, Yevgeny Sergeevich offered to go. Chemodurov & Sednyov.
10:30. Took meals with Baby, put few things together, quite small luggage. Took leave of all our people. After evening tea with all. Sat all night with the Children. Baby slept & at 3 went to him til we left. Started at 4:30 in the morning. Horrid to leave precious children. 3 of our rifles went with us.

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra.

Above: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei.

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