Monday, October 26, 2020

Letter to Alexandra from Olga, dated January 1908, and Alexandra's reply, dated January 15, 1908


Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

My beloved and always darling Mama!
I am awfully sad too not see You. How do You feel? How is Your tempriture? Today I feel well, only the Doctor told me not to get up till he comes. I beg Your pardon that I right like an old boot. When You'll talk by telephon with Big Baby tell her that I kiss her very tenderly and that I'll right to her. I want to see You so very much my beloved, dearest, darling Mama. Now came Doctor Simanovsky and lookd at my throught. I was playing with Sofia Ivanovna cards. Did Doctor Botkin come to You to day?

How is Auntie Ella? I hope she is better. Will Papa come to me? I hope so. I am lying in Mary's room on the sopha. Now came Madelaine to me, and she talks with Shura. Anastasia root to me a very long letter, did You see her? I hope to get up to see You quiqley. Mama dear I "kiss ye quikly." Please right to me a letter. Mama do You remember Ladvinsky how he was talking and screaming? I’ll send You with this letter Ania's letter. My tempriture is 36.6.

Dont You now when will Auntie Irène come here? Tatiana and Maria have lessons, Rushin and Inglish now they have preparation. Behind me is a pot with lilacs. It smels very good.
Good bye. God bless You my beloved Mama. A big kiss I send You my dear angel Mama.
Your always loving daugter

Alexandra's reply:

Jan. 15th 1908
Ts. S.
My darling Olga dear,
A big kiss and loving thanks for yr. dear letter. Truly written like a boot with very many buttons off but still very dear to old Mama's heart. Thank God that you have nothing serious the matter with you and the Dr will be sure to let you get up after he has been. Very good news fr. A. Ella yesterday and A. Irène who kisses you and is greatly looking forward to coming here later on. A. Minny and U. George lunch with Papa and then I shall have to see them. My cover is growing rapidly and I hope to begin the border to-night already. I sent up yr. work thinking you might like to get on with it, if S. I. reads to you, give her my love and say that I hope her cousin is better, hope to see her S. I. to-morrow at last. Don't make grimaces nor talk like that horrible boy F. A spoke by telephone to cousin 2 yesterday — is day Duty Officer. Good-bye for now little girly. A big kiss fr. yr. old Mama
Bless you +

"Eyes" were very happy to speak to you both. Thought had payed a visit to us all. Botkin came and pricked my leg.

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

Above: Olga. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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