Sunday, October 11, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Nicholas, dated January 25, 1915, and Nicholas's reply letter, dated January 26, 1915


Alexandra wrote this letter to Nicholas on January 25, 1915, and Nicholas wrote a letter to her in reply the next day.

The letter:

No. 38
Tsarskoje Selo, Jan. 25-th 1915
My very beloved One,
Again a gloriously sunny morning, 10 degrees. Only got to sleep after 4 & then woke up still several times. Ania had last night 38.8, leg hurt — slept better, this morning 37.3. Now she suddenly likes the sister Shevtchuk & wants her in the room at night to send her to sleep. The girls went there in the evening, but she wished to sleep, so they sat in the other ward. Baby sweet was quite cheery yesterday & asleep before 10. — Motherdear feels depressed getting no news of the war since you left. —

Such intense joy, I received yr. yesterdays' precious letter, thank you for it with all my loving heart. — Don't be anxious about me, I am very careful & my heart is behaving well these days, so that Botkin only comes in the morning. Fancy, I just heard that M-me Pourtzeladze received a letter from her husband fr. Germany — thank God he was not killed — she adores him so, poor little woman — I can imagine how interesting Vesselkin was — God grant his expeditions further success. So Piaterkin remains with N. lets hope he will use him thoroughly & send him about to wake him up. — Yes, its lucky your people get on well together, it makes all the difference — I shall tell Ania her book has such success. —

Were at the wedding — sat with Ania (who sends this note) from 1-2 & then again — & then to the big palace. Baby has been twice in the wee sledge in the garden & thoroughly enjoyed it. — I send you our very tenderest love, kisses & blessings, my one & all, my muchly missed treasure. —
Ever yr. very own

Messages to N. P.

Nicholas's reply letter:

26 January, 1915.
I thank you tenderly for your letters. I am so sorry that I did not write yesterday, but l had endless receptions. In Baranovitchi, after church, Crosses of St. George were distributed among my black, handsome Cossacks — many of whom have speared or cut down several of the enemy. I visited Nicholasha and inspected his new railway carriage; a very comfortable and practical one, but the heat in it is such that one cannot endure it above half an hour. We discussed thoroughly several important questions and, to my joy, came to an entire agreement on all those we touched upon. I must say, that when he is alone and in a good humour he is sound — I mean to say, he judges correctly. Everybody has noticed a great change in him since the beginning of the war. Life in this isolated place, which he calls his "hermitage," and the sense of the crushing responsibility which rests on his shoulders, must have made a deep impression upon his soul; and that, if you will, is a great achievement too.

I arrived here this morning, and was met by dear Olga and some others. She looks and feels absolutely well and sound again. We drove in my car to her hospital. After having visited the wounded, I went to her room, where we sat for a little while, and then returned to the train.

We had lunch and then sat together. As the weather was magnificent she suggested a drive. We drove out of the town, went up a steep hill and returned by another road through a pretty wood.

Mordv[inov], Drent. and N. P. came with us, and we all derived much pleasure from our walk. K. enjoyed it very much. At present we are both busy writing to you in my coupé, sitting so cosily side by side. My train leaves at 7 o'clock. Only think! I have just received a telegram from Doumbadze to the effect that the infamous "Breslau" has fired about 40 rounds on Yalta and considerably damaged the "Russia" Hotel. Swine!

Well, good-bye; God bless you and the dear children. Thank them for their letters.
Your dearly fondly loving and always, my treasure, Your old

Above: Nicholas and Alexandra. Photo courtesy of Ilya Grigoryev at lastromanovs on VK.

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