Thursday, October 15, 2020

Alexandra's Easter letter to Dr. Vladimir Derevenko, dated April 19/May 2, 1918


Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

19 апр./2 мая. 1918 г. Екатеринбург.
Христос Воскресе!
Мы все сердечно поздравляем Вас и всю Вашу семью со светлым праздником. Надеемся, что Колобов к Вам приходил. Уже 4 дня ничего о всех не знаем — очень тяжело. Можно ли уже наступить [на] ноги. Как силы, аппетит, самочувствие. Лежит ли на балконе? Все хочется знать. Не знаем куда переедем, но вероятно близко. Погода чудная. Очень устала, сердце увеличено. Живем ничего, скучаем. Храни Бог. +.

English translation:

19 Apr/2 May 1918, Ekaterinburg
Christ is Risen!
We congratulate you and all your family with the bright festival. We hope Kolobov went to you. It is already 4 days that we have heard nothing from anyone — it is so hard. Is he already able to get up on his feet? How is his strength, appetite, health? Does he lie down on the balcony? I want to know everything. We don't know where we will be moved, but it will probably be somewhere close-by. The weather is wonderful. I am very tired and my heart enlarged. We are living alright, we miss everyone. God save you. +

Above: Alexandra with Nicholas in their final known photo together, year 1918, just months before their deaths.

Above: Dr. Vladimir Derevenko.

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