Thursday, October 15, 2020

Alexandra's letter to Olga, dated July 18, 1903


Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 3: The Young Empress, 1895-1905, pages 176 to 177, by George Hawkins, 2024

Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

Not far fr. Arzamas in the train
July 18th 1903
My darling Child,
The train is shaking a good deal, but yet I want to send you a little letter. We miss you all very much and the train looks quite empty without my four little girlies. And poor Ara, I wonder what she is doing without Madelaine and me! I hope Nanna’s throat is quite well again and that you can go down to the nursery. Aunty Xenia and Sasha telegraphed to me about you and I was very happy to hear how well you were.

I have managed to keep my compartment the coolest in the train and I feel quite comfortable, the dining room is the hottest. I am writing to you before having taken my bath, in two hours we leave the train. At Ryazan, Dr Tikhonov was at the station. We got out of the train as there were many people with bread and salt and flowers. At another station, we also left the train and a deputation of workmen brought us bread and salt. We are all well and kiss you and sisters many times.

God bless you my darling little Olga.
Ever yr loving old Mama

Many messages to Trina, Sasha and Nanna and all in the nursery.

Above: Alexandra. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

Above: Olga. Photo courtesy of TatianaZ on Flickr.

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