Saturday, October 24, 2020

Alexandra's Easter letter to Anastasia Hendrikova, dated March 23, 1912


Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook

The letter:

Livadia March 23.
Christ is Risen
Dear little Nastenka, my heart is overflowing with compassion and love for all of you. I cannot but write you a few lines. I dare not disturb your poor Mama; my prayers and thoughts are with her. It's terrible to think about everything you are experiencing. This is how I feel your grief, having experienced the horror of the loss of my beloved father. And such a sudden blow like yours.
But I always think that bright Easter prayers bring a lot of consolation to the soul, giving us the confidence that our real life is where our dear ones await us.

I cannot imagine how your life will now be arranged without your father, your advisor and leader, but Almighty God will not leave you; He will give you strength and courage to continue your life of self-denial with dignity and bless you completely for all your love.

Your poor sweet mother, kiss her tenderly for me. I am sending her a little Easter icon. I hope that she will remember the one whom we have loved so much for 17 years. We will never forget him. And for you and your sister — flowers collected by my children in the garden. Place a few of them in a vase near your Mama's bed. They smell so sweet in spring and speak of the Resurrection.

In this wonderful environment, the closeness of God is felt even more clearly. The birds sing, chanting to the Lord our God, and the flowers raise up their heads after their winter sleep, waking up to blossom and exalting their Creator. Everything in this world dies in order to wake up to eternal life on the other side — all paths lead us there — sooner or later. Goodbye my dear girl. God bless, protect and comfort you. I kiss you all with all tenderness.
Alexandra, who loves you.

Send me the last picture of your father. I will be very glad. And what will happen to your dear Mama, will she stay in Petersburg or go abroad, as she had supposed to do? It's hard to imagine how you will be able to cope on your own, but you are so brave. He always told me that. God will help you.

Above: Alexandra.

Above: Countess Anastasia Hendrikova.

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