Alexandra Feodorovna: Diaries and Correspondence, volume 2: Engagement and Marriage, 1894, pages 262 to 263, by George Hawkins, 2023
George Hawkins at Letters and writings of Nicholas II and his family on Facebook
The letter:
Aug 7/19 1894
Krasnoe Selo
My own precious Alixy-dear,
The yesterday's nightmare has passed, thank goodness, it ended luckily for me. We began our supper at 12 midnight and I got away only at 5 of the morning, having bored myself to death all the night through. I thought the whole time of you, my sweet love, I felt so low, though I had to pretend too be rejoicing with all the others.
Your dear telegram in french was read out loud by Kostia at table — they simply roared when they drank your health! The gipsys sang, old Christian nearly lost his head about them, ask Ernie whether he remembers their songs in the regiment winter 1889? I profited while sitting on the balcony with Peter Old. and asked him about a certain question! Then I told him about Thora — he wants to marry — but he thought it would hardly happen that he might go over to England and see for himself! So I think nothing will come out!
Many loving thanks and a good hug for your dear letter which made me so happy. It rained nearly all day. I got up at 10 in the morning and drove to Krasnoe to church, the young men of the military schools sang splendidly! Then we had a family luncheon and I returned to the camp. Dear Papa does not feel well, he looks so tired and must have rest. Today even he decided that the big manoeuvre near Smolensk should be put off to next year because he felt he could not go to them, as he feels weak. So probably we are going earlier to our shooting, which will be the best thing for him, having to spend the whole day out of doors and no rotten papers to read half the night through. As soon as I learn the date of our departure, I'll let you know, sweetykins in time! We shall be still nearer each other — what joy!
At 5 Papa, Mama, a. Alix, a. Olga and cousins arrived at my house and took tea with me. They liked my rooms very much! By the by, I have got the photos of my house ready and will send them tomorrow by post! I think you will like them, at least it can give you an idea of what my habitation looks like. After tea we all went to the races, that went off luckily with no accidents, though the ground was wet and swampy. We dined very quickly with the Chevalier Gardes and scrambled off to the theater, the last day. Tomorrow it finishes, as the camp too. The large review of all troops takes place tomorrow at 11, so the regiment must leave at 8.30.
Night-night, my beloved Sunny, my precious one! Thanks once more for your letter. God bless you and a tender kiss from your own deeply loving, devoted and faithful boysy or manny.
I love you more every day!
Above: Alix.
Above: Nicholas.
Note: This letter is the first indication that Nicholas's father, Tsar Alexander III, was (fatally) ill (with kidney disease).
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